Merry Christmas everybody!
Now, we're not going to take much of your time because today is about family and being together with the ones you love.
今天我们不会占用大家太多时间,因为今天是和家人、和亲爱的人相聚的日子 。
And luckily for me, that means I get a little help on the weekly address, too.
今天我比较幸运,我的每周讲话能有人来给我帮帮忙了 。
The holidays at the White House are such a wonderful time of year.
每年的圣诞假期都是白宫最欢乐的日子 。
We fill the halls with decorations,Christmas trees, and carolers-and this year, we invited morethan 65,000 people to join us.
所有的厅堂都放置了圣诞树,装饰一新,欢歌不断,今年,我们邀请了65000多人与我们一起过节 。
Our theme was “A Children's Winter Wonderland”-and Americans young and old had achance to come together and celebrate the season.
今年的节日主题是:孩子们冬天里的奇幻乐园,全美所有老老少少都能有机会一起共同欢度这个假期 。
And today, our family will join millions across the country in celebrating the birth of Jesus-the birth not just of a baby in a manger,but of a message that has changed the world:
to reach out to the sick; the hungry; the troubled; and above all else, to love one another as we would be loved ourselves.
帮助我们应对 、饥饿、困难乃至所有,让我们爱护自己并爱护他人 。
We hope that this holiday season will be a chance for us to live out that message
to bridge our differences and lift up our families, friends, and neighbors and to reconnect with the values that bind us together.
架起桥梁、求同存异,激励我们的家人朋友、左邻右舍重拾昔日的价值,团结奋进 。
And as a country, that also means celebrating and honoring those who have served and sacrificedfor all of us—our troops, veterans, and their families.
从国家而言,我们应该向所有为国服务并做出牺牲的人致敬,那就是我们的军人、退伍老兵以及他们的家人 。
In just a few days, our combat mission in Afghanistan will be over.
再过几天,我们在阿富汗的战斗就将全面结束 。
Our longest war will come to a responsible end.
这一旷日持久的战争将正式结束 。
And that gives us an opportunity to step back and reflect upon all that these families have given us.
这也让我们有机会回过头来回顾这些家庭为我们付出的东西 。
We're able to gather with family and friends because our troops are willing to hug their goodbye and step forward to serve.
我们能够与家人朋友团聚,正是因为我们的军人愿意与他们的家人分别,前往那些需要他们的地方 。
After a long day, we can comehome because they're willing to leave their families and deploy.
经过漫长的一天,我们能够回家是因为他们愿意离开他们的家人,前往他们驻防的地方 。
We can celebrate the holidaysbecause they're willing to miss their own.
我们能够欢庆节日是因为他们宁愿自己不过这个节日 。
And so, as our troops continue to transition back home—back to our businesses, our schools, our congregations, and our communities
it's up to all of us to servethem as well as they have served us.
而我们应该准备好为他们服务,就像他们曾经为我们付出一样 。
You can visit JoiningForces.gov to find out how you can honor and support the troops, veterans,and military families in your communities.
大家可以访问JoiningForces.gov,找到合适的方式,向你所在社区的军人、退伍老兵以及军属家庭表达敬意并提供帮助 。
That's something we can do not only during the holiday season, but all year round.
这些事情不仅仅是我们在节日里可以做的,全年都可以做 。
So Merry Christmas, everybody. May God bless you all.
总统:最后,祝大家圣诞节快乐!愿上帝保佑大家 。
And we wish you andyour family a happy and healthy 2015.