Hi everybody. Over the past seven years, we haven't just been recovering from crisis, we've been rebuilding our economy on a new foundation for growth-growth that benefits everybody, not just folks at the top. Our businesses have created jobs for 73 straight months-14.4 million new jobs in all. We've covered another 20 million Americans with health insurance. We've helped more Americans afford college, and invested in industries that create good jobs that pay well, like clean energy. And wages are finally rising again.
大家好!过去的七年里,我们不仅仅从经济危机中复苏,我们还逐步重建起经济持续增长的新基础,那就是让经济发展成果惠及每一个人,而不仅仅是社会顶层的少数人 。我们的企业实现连续73个月保持就业增长,总共创造了1440万个就业岗位 。全国新增纳入医保人数超过2千万 。我们帮助更多美国人上得起大学,参加新的职业培训,进入高薪岗位工作,比如清洁能源领域 。人们的工资又再次上涨了 。
But there will always be more work to do. And this week, my Administration took two big steps that will help make sure your hard work is rewarded, and that everybody plays by the same rules.
但是依然还有大量的工作要做 。本周,本届政府采取了两项重大举措,保证大家的辛勤付出能够得到回报,让每个人都遵守同样的规则 。
First, we're helping more Americans retire with security and dignity. Right now, if you go to a retirement advisor for investment advice, some of them don't have to act in your best interest. Instead of telling you the best way to save your hard-earned money, these advisors can get backdoor payments from big companies for steering you toward investments that cost more and earn you less. As a result, when you retire, you might be missing out on tens of thousands of dollars-because your advisor got paid more to give you bad advice.
首先,我们让更多美国人退休之后有保障,过的体面 。现在,如果你的退休金咨询师给你提供投资建议,有些人是不为你的利益最大化考虑的 。这些咨询师不会靠诉你那些最好的投资方式,为你节省你辛苦赚下来的钱,他们会引导你转向高成本低收益的投资,从而从那些大公司手中收取回扣 。这样,等你退休的时候,你可能会发现你与数万美元的收益失之交臂,这是因为你的咨询师靠着给你的不良建议拿走了投资回报 。
If that seems wrong, that's because it is. That's why the Department of Labor just finalized a rule to crack down on these kinds of conflicts of interest. And a lot of Wall Street special interests aren't very happy about it. But across the country, this new rule will boost working folks' retirement savings by billions of dollars a year. And it will level the playing field for the many good advisors who do work in their clients' best interest.
如果说这看起来不对,那确实如此 。因此,劳工部出台了一项制度,打击这种利益冲突行为 。很多华尔街的特殊利益集团对此非常不爽 。但对全国上下而言,这项新的制度每年将为工薪人士的退休金账户挽回数十亿的资金 。该制度也能优化竞争环境,让那些好的咨询师能够从客户利益最大化的角度出发做好自己的工作 。
Second, the Treasury Department took action to crack down on big corporations that change their address overseas after acquiring smaller companies, in order to reduce their tax bill here at home. It's a loophole called “corporate inversion.” And it means that American companies can take advantage of America's technology, America's infrastructure, America's workers-but then, when it comes to paying their fair share of taxes, suddenly claim they're not American companies after all. That's why, this week, the Treasury Department made it more difficult for companies to exploit this loophole and stick the rest of us with the tab.
其次,财政部也采取措施打击大型企业偷税漏税,这些企业通过收购海外小企业之后变换地址,目的就是为了减少在国内纳税 。这一制度漏洞被称之为“企业倒置” 。意思就是,美国的企业可以利用美国的技术、美国的基础设施、美国的人工,但是,当轮到它们缴纳应缴的税款时,它们却突然宣称自己完全不是美国企业 。因此,本周,财政部这项制度的出台,让这些企业利用这样的漏洞难度大大增加,保护了我们大家的利益 。
Together, these steps build on the work we've already done to make our tax code fairer and consumer protections stronger. Because I believe that rather than double down on policies that allow a few at the top to play by their own rules, we should build an economy where everybody has a fair shot, everybody does their fair share, and everybody plays by the same set of rules.
总之,这些措施都是建立在以往工作的基础之上的,将使我们的税法更公平,保护消费者利益的手段更完善 。因为我相信,与其指望那些自己制定规则自己玩的少数社会顶层人士能自己改善政策,还不如我们自己动手,建设一个人人都享有公平机会、人人都承担公平的责任、人人都遵守同样的规则的经济发展环境 。
That's what this country is all about. That's what we've been working toward these past seven years. And that's what I'm going to keep fighting for as long as I'm your President.
这才是我们国家的发展目标;这是我们过去七年里一直努力奋斗的方向;更是我作为总统不懈为之奋斗的目标 。
Thanks everybody. Have a great weekend.