This week, our hearts are with the people of Belgium, as terrorist attacks claimed the lives of more than thirty people.
本周,我们的心与比利时人民在一起,据报道那里的恐怖袭击造成30多人死亡 。
Yesterday, we learned that at least two Americans were killed. We pray for their families and loved ones. At least fourteen Americans were injured. And we pray for their full recovery – along with everyone else affected by these attacks.
昨天,我们得知至少有两名美国人在这次袭击中遇难 。我们向他们的家人和亲友表示哀悼 。还有至少14名美国人受伤 。我们也祝愿他们,以及在这场袭击中受伤的所有人早日康复 。
Earlier this week, I called the Prime Minister of Belgium and offered him our full array of support in bringing to justice any terrorists involved in planning or aiding this unconscionable attack on innocent men, women, and children. Belgium is a close friend and ally of the United States. And when it comes to our friends, America has their back. Especially as we fight the scourge of terrorism.
本周早些时候,我与比利时总理通话并向他表示,我们将全力支持他们追查此次恐怖袭击的谋划者和支持者,这种袭击无辜平民的恐怖行径简直是丧尽天良 。比利时是美国的亲密伙伴和盟友 。当他们需要朋友帮助的时候,美国就是他们的坚强后盾 。尤其是在共同抗击恐怖活动的过程中更是如此 。
More broadly, we're going to continue to root out and defeat ISIL. We've been taking out ISIL leadership, and this week, we removed one of their top leaders from the battlefield – permanently. A relentless air campaign – and support for forces in Iraq and Syria who are fighting ISIL on the ground – has allowed us to take approximately forty percent of the populated territory that ISIL once held in Iraq. We're supporting Iraqi Security Forces who are beginning to put pressure on the ISIL stronghold of Mosul. And we will not stop until ISIL's safe-havens are destroyed.
更深入地讲,我们将继续打击并根除ISIL 。我们已经消灭了ISIL的领导层,这个星期,我们将他们的一位高层领导在战场上消灭掉了 。无情的空袭行动与伊拉克和叙利亚地面部队的行动相互配合,收复了伊拉克曾经被ISIL占领的土地,这些地方的人口占据了伊拉克全国将近40% 。我们将继续支持伊拉克安全部队的行动,他们已经对ISIL控制的摩苏里地区形成压制 。只要ISIL的避风港没有被完全摧毁,我们就不会停止 。
We're also working to disrupt plots against the United States and against our friends and allies. A team of FBI agents is on the ground in Belgium supporting the investigation. We've ramped up our intelligence cooperation so that we can root out ISIL's operations. And we constantly review our homeland security posture to remain vigilant against any efforts to target the United States.
我们还粉碎了多次针对美国和我们的伙伴及盟友的阴谋 。FBI派出了探员调查组前往比利时,协助此次的调查 。我们加强了情报合作,这样,我们就可以瓦解ISIL的行动 。我们也持将续调整我们的本土安全策略,对任何以美国为目标的袭击预谋保持警惕 。
ISIL poses a threat to the entire civilized world. That's why we've been leading a truly global coalition that will be vital to our success. Secretary Kerry is leading an international effort to bring the Syrian civil war to an end, a critical piece of restoring stability to that war-torn part of the world. And next week, dozens of world leaders will come here to Washington for a summit focused on nuclear security. We'll use that opportunity to also review our joint efforts against ISIL, and to make sure the world remains united in this effort to protect our people.
ISIL对全世界人民都造成了威胁 。因此,我们一直倡导真正的全球合作,这对我们取得胜利至关重要 。克里国务卿正在展开国际协调,争取结束叙利亚内战,这对于在这片饱受战争摧残的地区重建和平稳是关键一环 。下周,数十位世界各国领导人将齐聚华盛顿,参加核安全峰会 。我们也将利用这次机会共同探讨我们共同打击ISIL的方式,确保全世界联合起来保护我们的人民 。
As we move forward in this fight, we have to wield another weapon alongside our airstrikes, our military, our counterterrorism work, and our diplomacy. And that's the power of our example. Our openness to refugees fleeing ISIL's violence. Our determination to win the battle against ISIL's hateful and violent propaganda – a distorted view of Islam that aims to radicalize young Muslims to their cause. In that effort, our most important partners are American Muslims. That's why we have to reject any attempt to stigmatize Muslim-Americans, and their enormous contributions to our country and our way of life. Such attempts are contrary to our character, to our values, and to our history as a nation built around the idea of religious freedom. It's also counterproductive. It plays right into the hands of terrorists who want to turn us against one another; who need a reason to recruit more people to their hateful cause.
随着我们在这场战斗中的持续推进,与我们的空袭、军事行动、反恐和外交努力相伴随,我们还要使用另一种武器 。那就是我们作为榜样的力量 。我们对逃离ISIL暴力压迫的难民的开放态度 。我们对赢得对抗ISIL可恨的暴力宣传的决心 。这种扭曲的伊斯兰观念旨在怂恿年轻的穆斯林投身他们的恐怖事业 。在这些打击行动中,我们最重要的同伴就是美国的穆斯林人士 。正因如此,我们必须反对任何将穆斯林裔美国人区别对待的行为,他们为我们的国家做出了巨大的贡献,是我们生活方式的一部分 。这种尝试与我们的国民性格是格格不入的,与我们的价值观、我们以宗教信仰自由为基础的立国理念是背道而驰的 。也是不会有好结果的 。这只会正中恐怖势力的下怀,他们就希望我们彼此反目,他们需要这样的理由招募更多的人加入到他们的罪恶事业中去 。
I am a father. And just like any other parent, the awful images from Brussels draw my thoughts to my own children's safety. That's also why you should be confident that defeating ISIL remains our top military, intelligence, and national security priority.
我也是一名父亲 。跟其他父母一样,布鲁塞尔的恐怖画面让我陷入对我们的孩子们的安全的深思 。也正因如此,大家才应该相信我们,击败ISIL依然是我们军事、情报以及国家安全部门的最重要的事项 。
We will succeed. The terrorists will fail. They want us to abandon our values and our way of life. We will not. They want us to give in to their vision of the future. We will defeat them with ours. Because we know that the future belongs not to those who seek only to destroy – but to those who have the courage to build.
我们一定会胜利 。恐怖势力一定会失败 。他们妄想我们放弃我们的价值观和生活方式 。我们不会的 。他们妄想我们向他们的企图屈服 。我们的未来一定能战胜他们的未来 。因为我们知道,未来不属于那些谋求破坏的人,而是属于那些致力于建设未来的人 。