Hi, everybody. This week, I'm speaking to you from our Nuclear Security Summit. I welcomed more than 50 leaders from around the world to make sure we're working together to meet one of the greatest threats to global security—terrorists getting their hands on a weapon of mass destruction, like a nuclear weapon.
大家好!本周,我在核安全峰会会场向大家讲话 。在这里,我与全球50多位国家和地区领导人一起会谈,确保我们通过共同努力,应对当前我们面临的最严重的安全挑战,那就是恐怖分子有可能获取大规模杀伤性武器,例如核武器 。
Fortunately, because of our efforts so far, no terrorist group has yet succeeded in obtaining a nuclear device or producing a dirty bomb using radioactive materials. But we know that al Qaeda has tried. ISIL has already used chemical weapons in Syria and Iraq. And if they ever got hold of a nuclear weapon or nuclear material, we have no doubt they'd use it.
幸运的是,由于我们迄今为止付出的努力,还没有任何一个恐怖组织拥有核武器或利用放射性物质生产出脏弹 。但是,我们都知道,基地组织曾经尝试过 。ISIL也在叙利亚和伊拉克使用过化学武器 。如果他们一旦拥有核武器或核材料,他们则毫无疑问会在战场上使用 。
That's why we've been leading a global effort to secure the world's nuclear materials. And with summits like this, we've made important progress. Working with other nations, we have removed or secured enough nuclear material for more than 150 nuclear weapons—material that will now never fall into the hands of terrorists.
因此,我们一直在领导全球共同努力,保护全世界的核材料的安全 。通过这样的峰会,我们已经取得了重大的进展 。通过与其他国家合作,我们已经将可供制造150枚核武器的核材料安全转移或保护起来,这些核材料永远也不会落入恐怖分子之手 。
All of South America is now free of these deadly materials. Central Europe and Southeast Asia are on track to be free of them later this year. That means that as terrorists and criminal gangs look around for the deadly ingredients for a nuclear device, vast regions of the world are now off limits. This is a remarkable achievement. And at this summit, we pledged to keep up our efforts to prevent the world's most deadly networks from obtaining the world's most deadly weapons.
南美所有国家都已经没有这些致命原材料了 。中欧和东南亚今年也将启动无核化进程 。这就意味着,恐怖分子或犯罪团伙要寻找生产核武器的原材料时,全球大部分地区都已经受到严格控制了 。这是一项引人注目的成就 。在本届峰会上,我们共同承诺将继续共同努力,防止全球最险恶的组织获得最具杀伤力的武器 。
Our summit was also another opportunity to make sure the world remains united and focused on destroying ISIL. A majority of the nations who came here are part of our global coalition against ISIL. A number of our countries have been targeted by ISIL. Just about all our nations have seen citizens travel to join ISIL in Syria and Iraq.
本届峰会也为全球继续团结起来共同打击ISIL提供了另一次机会 。大部分参会国家都加入了我们的全球打击ISIL联盟 。很多国家都成为ISIL攻击的目标,我们也看到这些国家很多公民跑到叙利亚或伊拉克加入了ISIL组织 。
In Syria and Iraq, ISIL continues to lose ground. Our coalition continues to take out its leaders, including those planning terrorist attacks against our countries. They're losing their oil infrastructure and revenues. Their morale is suffering.
在叙利亚和伊拉克,ISIL则继续节节败退 。我们的联盟还继续消灭他们的领导,包括那些阴谋要袭击我们这些国家的人 。他们失去了石油基础设施,失去了财源 。他们的士气正在逐步低落 。
As ISIL is squeezed in Syria and Iraq, it's lashing out elsewhere, as we've seen most recently— and tragically—from Turkey to Brussels. During our summit, we focused on ways to step up our efforts to disrupt terrorist attacks. It requires even more cooperation to prevent the flow of foreign terrorist fighters and sharing even more information and intelligence. That's why I invited all the nations represented at this summit to join us in a broader discussion among our intelligence and security services on how we can improve information sharing to prevent terrorist attacks.
随着ISIL在叙利亚和伊拉克受到打压,他们也将向其他地区逃窜,正如我们最近所观察到的一样,土耳其和布鲁塞尔的悲剧说明了这一点 。在本届峰会期间,我们重点讨论了为打乱恐怖分子的袭击阴谋,我们应该共同采取的措施 。这需要有更广泛的合作,防止外国恐怖袭击分子流入国内,共享更多的信息和情报 。因此,我邀请本届峰会所有的参会代表与我们一起,就我们的情报和安全协作,以及如何改进信息共享预防恐怖袭击开展了广泛讨论 。
This continues to be a difficult fight. But every day, our dedicated professionals—military, diplomatic, intelligence, counterterrorism, homeland security, law enforcement, nuclear experts—are working to protect us. Because of the progress we made this week, and over recent years, more of the world's nuclear material is secure. It's harder for terrorists to get it. And as Commander in Chief, I want you to know that we're going to keep doing everything in our power to keep our nation safe and strong and free.
这将是一场持续的艰难战斗 。但是,每一天,我们的专业人士都在全心付出,我们的军队、外交人员、情报人员、反恐人员、国土安全部门、执法部门、核专家等等,都在努力工作,保护我们 。正是有了我们本周的峰会以及最近几年的峰会所取得的成果,才使得全球的大部分核材料都处在安全可控状态 。恐怖分子想要得到它难上加难 。作为最高统帅,我希望大家知道,我们正在利用我们手头的所有资源保护我们国家的安全和自由,保障我们国家的强大 。