CNN时尚英语听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第12期:胸罩百年发展史
日期:2015-01-17 12:07


Happy Birthday, Bra Female Undergarment Celebrates 100 Years of Support


CNNANCHOR : And now to a milestone for a very essential piece of intimate apparel. It's held up, literally speaking, for 100 years.

CNN主播: 接下来,要介绍一种不可或缺的亲密衣物所创下的里程碑。这种衣物已经支撑了100年,而且确实一直发挥着支撑的作用。

CNNANCHOR : We can't resist some of these puns. Women's groups burned it in the '60s. Madonna put it on display in the '80s.

CNN主播: 我们实在忍不住要玩弄一些双关语。女权团体在20世纪60年代放火焚烧这种衣物,麦当娜则在80年代把这种衣物大方地展示出来。

CNNANCHOR : I think you're guessing what we're talking about by now. It was even part of a wardrobe malfunction. Remember-during a U.S. Super Bowl show?

CNN主播: 我想你应该已经猜到我们说的是什么东西了。这种衣物甚至还曾经发生过服装意外,记得吗?在美国超级杯的中场表演上?

Here's Mallika Kapur now, with an uplifting look back at 100 years of the brassiere.


MAL LIKA KAPUR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A hundred years old and it's still holding up. The word brassiere first appeared in fashion bible Vogue a century ago. Back then, it looked something like this.

CNN特派员 玛莉卡·卡波: 年纪已达百岁,仍然没有任何疲软之态。胸罩这个同语首度在100年前出现于时尚圣经《风尚》里。当初的胸罩是这个模样。

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tie two silk handkerchiefs together with a ribbon and cord.

不知名女子: 用缎带和细线把两条丝巾绑在一起。

MAL LIKA KAPUR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Patented by New York socialite Mary Phelps Jacob a few years later, though things like it go back hundreds of years.

CNN特派员 玛莉卡·卡波: 纽约社交名援玛丽·雅各布在几年后申请了专利。不过,像这样的东西其实已有好几百年的历史了。

PENNY GRYLLS, FILMMAKER: Through the history of the bra, and the way that it changed-and the bra changed-you can look at the history of women.

电影人 佩妮·葛莉尔斯: 透过胸罩的历史,以及胸罩变化的方式--胸罩确实变化很大--即可看到女性的历史了。

MAL LIKA KAPUR, CNN CORRESPONDENT : Bust flatteners were popular in the postwar 1920s. Feminine ones in the '50s. In the '60s, feminists trashed bras, sometimes a symbol of conformity.

CNN特派员 玛莉卡·卡波: 束胸衣在战后的 20世纪20年代相当盛行。女性化的设计在50年代兴起。 60年代,女权主义者纷纷丢弃胸罩,因为胸罩有时候是顺服的象征。

Underwear became outer wear when Madonna wore this in the early '90s. But it's Wonderbra that really changed the way women and men think about bras.


PENNY GRYLLS, FILMMAKER : I think the line is, "If you care about the shape you're in," and then it went, "So does he. So does he." And it's really kind of cheesy, like early 1970s Wonderbra ads. And, you know I think that was when they started to-people started-it was an aspiration associated with the bra rather than something that did a job.

电影人 佩妮·葛莉尔斯: 我记得广告歌词是:"如果你重视自己的身材……"接着是:"他也一样,他也一样。"其实还挺俗的,就像20世纪70年代早期的魔术胸罩广告一样。我认为二般人就是在那时候开始……其实真正奏效的,是胸罩为人带来的渴望,而不是什么实质上的功效。

MALLIKA KAPUR, CNN CORRESPONDENT : June Kenton has been in the bra business for more than 40 years. She is the queen's corsetiere.

CNN特派员 玛莉卡·卡波: 茱恩·肯顿从事胸罩业已有40多年的历史。她是英国女王御用的内衣供货商。

JUNE KENTON, RIG8Y & PELLER: Corsetry was very, very heavy. It was, as I say, it had no stretch in it. It was uncomfortable. And I just think that it's liberated women to be looking absolutely amazing. I mean, look at that. You wouldn't think that that bra would hold you, but it jolly well does.

礼佩内衣公司 茱恩·肯顿: 紧身束胸衣很重。就像我说的,完全没有弹性,穿起来很不舒服。我认为胸罩解放了女性,让女性看起来美丽动人。我是说,你看。这个胸罩看起来不像能够把你支撑起来,但实际上是可以的。

MALLIkA KAPUR, CNN CORRESPONDENT : Pretty enough, but it isn't the world's best-selling bra. Know which one it is?

CNN特派员 玛莉卡·卡波: 很漂亮,可是这不是全世界最畅销的胸罩。知道哪一种才是吗?


不知名女子: 魔术胸罩。

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE : Victoria's Secret?



不知名女子: 魔术胸罩。

MALLIKA KAPUR, CNN CORRESPONDENT : Nope, everybody in the business says it's the Doreen.

CNN特派员 玛莉卡·卡波: 不是,业内所有人都说是朵琳胸罩。

JANE FENLON SMITH, TRIUMPH INTERNATIONAL: It just gives the most amazing shape, even if you don't have the best-shaped bust. Last year we sold over one million Doreens. But worldwide, it's a very large figure. But, of course, I can't divulge-or The Doreen's secret.

黛安芬国际股份有限公司 珍·芬伦·史密斯: 这种胸罩能够塑形出最美的曲线,就算你的胸形不够美也没关系。我们去年卖出了一百万件朵琳胸罩。而全世界的销量更是很大的数字。当然我不能透露有多少,也不能泄漏朵琳畅销的秘密。

MAL LIKA KAPUR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Here's one secret we can share. Doreen turns 40 this year. Happy birthday, Doreen. And...

CNN特派员 玛莉卡·卡波: 这里倒是有一项我们可以泄漏的秘密。朵琳今年满40岁了。生日快乐,朵琳。还有……
