CNN时尚英语听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第11期:让鱼"啃"掉你的角质
日期:2015-01-16 11:33



Fishy Feet Friendly Flesh Eaters Spell Relief for Tortured Toes


CNNANCHOR : An Asian form of pedicure has made its way all the way to America. It involves the world's smallest pedicurists, and they're called doctor fish or nibble fish, as reporter Derek McGinty found out firsthand, or first foot.

CNN主播: 一种亚洲的足部护理方式已经远渡重洋到了美国。这种方法请来了世界上最小的足部护理师,他们叫做医生鱼或亲亲鱼。记者德瑞克·麦金提取得了第一手信息,或者该说是第一脚信息。

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE : It's like having your feet in champagne.

不知名女子: 感觉就像把脚泡在香槟里。

DEREK MCGINTY, WUSA REPORTER : Believe it or not, these friendly flesh eaters are giving these feet a pedicure, one bite at a time.

美国华盛顿电视台记者 德瑞克·麦金提: 信不信由你,这些友善的肉食鱼类正在一口一口帮这些人的脚部进行护理。

This isn't like sticking your foot in with Jaws, right?


JOHN HO, YVONNE HAIR SALON: Nope. You stick four toe[s] in there, you come out with four toe[s]-if you have four.

怡芳发廊 何约翰: 当然不会。你把四根脚趾伸进去,出来还是四根脚趾--如果你只有四根脚趾的话。

DEREK MCGINTY, WUSA REPORTER: But you also come out without much of the callus and dead flesh you hate.

美国华盛顿电视台记者 德瑞克·麦金提: 不过,你讨厌的硬皮和角质却会就此消失。

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE : Feels pretty darn good.

不知名女子: 觉得蛮舒服的。

DEREK MCGINTY, WUSA REPORTER : But which these fish apparently can't get enough of.

美国华盛顿电视台记者 德瑞克·麦金提: 这些鱼显然永远都吃不够。

Fish are actually nibbling on your feet?


JOHN HO, YVONNE HAIR SALON : They['re] actually nibbling on your feet.

怡芳发廊 何约翰: 它们的确会啃你的脚。


美国华盛顿电视台记者 德瑞克·麦金提: 会痛吗?

JOHN HO, YVONNE HAIR SALON : No, it doesn't hurt in any way. It tickle[s] like hell, though.

怡芳发廊 何约翰: 不会,一点都不痛,很痒倒是真的。

DEREK MCGINTY, WUSA REPORTER : John Ho traveled all the way to China to learn the art of using these tiny garra rufa, or doctor fish, to eat the dead skin off your feet. Smoother and more sanitary than a razor, these particular fish take their meals at Yvonne Hair Salon, run by Ho and his wife in Alexandria.

美国华盛顿电视台记者 德瑞克·麦金提: 何约翰远赴中同学习技术,利用这种淡红墨头鱼--又称医生鱼--吃掉脚上的角质。在何氏夫妻于亚历山大经营的怡芳发廊里,这些胃口特殊的鱼得以尽情饱餐。它们不但比刀片柔和,也卫生得多。

JOHN HO, YVONNE HAIR SALON : They loved it. I have people coming back many, many times to try it.

怡芳发廊 何约翰: 他们爱死这种感觉了。许多客人都一再回来接受这种服务。

DEREK MCGINTY, WUSA REPORTER : Ho insists the doctor fish have had their fill of thousands of local feet, and we found more than one customer coming back to offer second and third helpings.

美国华盛顿电视台记者 德瑞克·麦金提: 何约翰坚称医生鱼已经尝过当地上千人的,而且我们也发现有不少顾客是第二次或第三次过来喂这些鱼。

UNID ENTlFlED FEMALE : It's starting to feel like a massage more than a pedicure.

不知名女子: 这种感觉不太像是在做足部护理,更像是在接受按摩。

UNIDENTlFIED FEMALE : And this is my first time. It feels great.

不知名女子: 我是第一次来。感觉很棒。

DEREK MCGINTY, WUSA REPORTER: I know you guys weren't gonna be satisfied unless I took the plunge, so here we go.

美国华盛顿电视台记者 德瑞克·麦金提: 我知道只要我不下水,你们这些小家伙就不会满足。好,那我们就来吧。

Oh! Oh! Oh, man.


But as these fish go to town on my battered tootsies, you gotta wonder...


Do the fish ever get full?


JOHN HO, YVONNE HAIR SALON : They never get full.

怡芳发廊 何约翰: 它们永远不会饱。
