CNN时尚英语听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第20期:它是我的左右手-协助犬
日期:2015-01-25 10:27



Wonder Dog Amazing Lab Lends Helping Paw to Handicapped Owner


CNNANCHOR:Imagine a dog capable of finding lost glasses or helping with the laundry. Arthur MacMillan has the story of one canine that's much more than a woman's best friend.

CNN主播 :想象一下一只会找眼镜或帮忙洗衣服的狗。亚瑟·麦克米伦要报道一只狗的故事,它可不只是一名女子最好的朋友而已。

ARTHUR MACMILLAN,ITV CORRESPONDENT:Renae the Labrador really is a dog operating on remote control. She's a constant source of help for her owner, Margie Woodward, who suffers from cerebral palsy, helping with the tasks Margie finds difficult. Few tasks are beyond Renae's abilities.

ITV特派员 亚瑟·麦克米伦:雷妮这只拉布拉多犬真的可以用"遥控"的方式来召唤。她一直都是主人玛姬·伍华德的帮手。玛姬是脑性麻痹患者,雷妮做一些难度较高的工作。很少有哪样工作是雷妮做不到的。

MARGIE WOODWARD, RENAE'S OWNER :She picks Up anything I drop, finds my glasses, because I never know where they are in the house, so she always knows. And my hearing aid. In fact, once I was looking for the hearing aid and I looked down at her [and said], "What have you got in your mouth? Oh! Thank you." Hearing aid!

雷妮的主人 玛姬·伍华德:她会捡起我掉落的任何东西,找到我的眼镜,因为我永远不知道把眼镜放在家中哪个地方,但她总是知道。还有我的助听器。有一次我在找助听器的时候,我低下头看着她说:"你嘴巴里咬着什么东西?啊!谢谢你"。是个助听器!

ARTHUR MACMILLAN, ITV CORRESPONDENT :In Romsey, Hampshire the Labrador is constantly at Margie's side. She can even lift money out of a cash machine. This helpful obedience requires Up to 18 months of training.

ITV特派员 亚瑟·麦克米伦:在汉曾郡隆镇这个地方,雷妮这只拉布拉多犬总是待在玛姬身边。她甚至能把钞票从提款机中取出来。像这样昕话又能提供协助的表现需要长达 18个月的训练。

KAREN O'DONOGUE, CANINE PARTNERSHIPS :We always say it's actually more difficult to train the people than it is to train the dogs, because they have to learn the same commands that we teach the dogs, obviously.

犬伴计划 凯伦·欧唐诺古:我们常说事实上训练人比训练狗还难,因为显然人要学的指令和我们教狗的是一样的。

ARTHUR MACMILLAN, ITV CORRESPONDENT:But it is time well spent for 30 people who benefit from Canine Partnerships every year.

ITV特派员 亚瑟·麦克米伦:但是花这些时间对于每年受惠于"犬伴计划"的30个人而言是值得的。

MARGIE WOODWARD, RENAE'S OWNER :They're always there night and day, and you've always got somebody about two feet away from you if you should need assistance.

雷妮的主人 玛姬·伍华德:它们不论昼夜都在那里,一旦你需要帮忙,它们都会在离你两英尺以内的地方。

ARTHUR MACMILLAN, ITV CORRESPONDENT :Learning 100 tasks like Renae has done may take a year and a half, but it can prove a life enhancing experience for the lucky few who become their owners.

ITV特派员 亚瑟·麦克米伦:要像雷妮这样学会做 100件事可能需要一年半的时间,但是对于少数有幸成为它们主人的人而言,这肯定能提升他们的生活品质。

  • benefitn. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演 vt. 有益于,得
  • obediencen. 服从,顺从
  • constantlyadv. 不断地,经常地
  • constantadj. 经常的,不变的 n. 常数,恒量
  • correspondentn. 通讯记者,通信者 adj. 与 ... 一致的,相
  • capableadj. 有能力的,足以胜任的,有 ... 倾向的
  • assistancen. 帮助,援助
  • sourcen. 发源地,来源,原始资料
  • remoteadj. 偏僻的,遥远的,远程的,(感情等)距离很大 n
  • laundryn. 洗衣店,要洗的衣服,洗衣