CNN时尚英语听力(MP3+中英字幕) 第8期:型男市场商机无限
日期:2015-01-09 15:09


Skin Deep Men Drive Japans Beauty Industry Boom
CNNANCHOR :Now, move over, ladies. The men in Japan are taking grooming to a new level and taking the country's cosmetics industry by storm.
CNNANCHOR:The proof is not just in their perfectly maintained looks. It also is found in the figures of the beauty business.
CNNANCHOR :CNN's Kyung Lah visited a man who can buy himself a rather big car if only he abandoned his skin obsession.
KYUNG LAH, CNN CORRESPONDENT:Buffing the nails, trimming the brows-not quite the person you'd expect here, or sampling the latest and greatest eye cream at the beauty counter. Japanese men should become more beautiful, urges this 40-year-old customer who swears by his night cream. Gender's on a bender in Japan as mega-metrosexuals spend megabucks.
CNN特派员 景兰:抛光指甲,修整眉毛,或者在美容专柜试用最新且最棒的眼霜--你料想不到这样的人会在这种场合出现。这名经常使用晚霜的40岁顾客呼吁,日本男性应该变得更美。随着大量都市美型男动辄一掷千金,性别差异在日本出现了巨大的变化。
Makoto Muto visits this spa twice a week. Muto says he's spent enough money in the last two years on his skin care to buy a BMW. His favorite, this treatment focusing on keeping his skin supple. Thirty-one thousand yen? Okay, wow! It's very expensive.
Three hundred U.S. bucks expensive, and that's just for one cream in Dandy House's male line. Japan's $3 billion male cosmetics market is one of the biggest in the world-one fifth of men's cosmetics sales globally.
HIROSHI KADO, DANDY HOUSE :Every year, [sales expand] 130 percent getting expand.
丹迪屋 加藤:我们的营业额每年增长130%。
KYUNG LAH, CNN CORRESPONDENT :A 130 percent growth?
CNN特派员 景兰:增长130%?
HIROSHI KADO, DANDY HOUSE :Yes, yes almost one...
丹迪屋 加藤:对,几乎1倍……
CNN特派员 景蓝:每年吗?
HIROSHI KADO, DANDY HOUSE :Yeah, every year.
丹迪屋 加藤:对,每年。
KYUNG LAH, CNN CORRESPONDENT :The women's cosmetics market in Japan has plateaued,but the male market is rapidly expanding as men discover moisture masks, anti-aging creams and even facial hair extensions.
CNN特派员 景兰:日本的女性化妆品市场已经饱和,但随着男性开始使用面膜、抗老霜,甚至胡须增长用品,男性化妆品市场开始快速扩张。
ASH SHAW, BRITISH EXPATRIATE:I've actually seen people and gone, "Wow hey guy, she's...he's really good looking." Yeah.
旅居日本英籍人士 艾许·萧:我曾经见过一些人,然后说:"哇,你看,她……他真漂亮。"
KYUNG LAH, CNN CORRESPONDENT :British expatriate Ash Shaw sticks out with his western sense of style, but he's the target of tomorrow as cosmetics companies like Almay, Clarins and Clinique go global with their male beauty lines. The industry projects a potential billion dollar male cosmetics market one day in the United States, because as trends in Japan go, so does the world.
CNN特派员 景兰:英国外派人士艾许·萧以他的西式打扮而显得出众,但他却是化妆品业未来锁定的目标。诸如Almay、娇韵诗和倩碧等化妆品公司都在全球推出他们的男性美容系列商品。化妆品业估计美国的男性化妆品市场规模也总有一天会高达10亿美元,因为只要日本一开始流行,全球就会跟进。
ASH SHAW BRITISH EXPATRIATE :I suppose, like, it's catching-up-to-the-men time, I suppose.
旅居日本英籍人士 艾许·萧:我想现在是男人的出头之日了。
KYUNG LAH, CNN CORRESPONDENT :Okay ladies, if you' re raising your brow, be warned: You may soon get a perfectly plucked male brow right back atcha-Japan's men saying welcome to equality.
CNN特派员 景兰:女士们,如果你们还睁大眼睛,感到大惊小怪的话,在此警告你们:很快可能就会看到一个眉毛修整得很完美的男子回瞪你们--日本男性要对你们说:欢迎来到男女平等的世界。
