美剧英语百科(MP3+文本) 第41期:give the boot是给你一脚吗?
日期:2015-12-29 18:03


give the boot是给你一脚吗?

L:Hello, 大家好。不知不觉一个星期又过去了,Chris,今天我们学习什么呢?

C:Today we are going to learn another common phrase which has several different meanings.


C:Yes. Let's watch this clip first.

L:我注意到这里有一个表达叫做give someone the boot. 原文是Phil要赶走Dylan。

C:没错。We are going to learn the saying “To give someone the boot”.

L:我知道boot的意思是靴子。give me the boot就是给我那只靴子,那他还有什么其他意思吗?

C:It can also mean the same thing as “kick someone out”. If you imagine kicking someone with a boot, you can see where this saying comes from. For example, if you have some friends at your place and it's getting late, you might have to “give them the boot”. In other words, you will ask them to leave.

L:原来give someone the boot 有催别人走的意思,下一次如果客人在你家呆着不想走了,你就可以give him the boot,注意这里是make leave使别人别人离开,而不是ask to leave请别人离开的意思。当然一般这句话用在朋友之间,并不代表你不客气。

C:That is correct. And this phrase can be used in many situations where someone is forced to leave an organization, club, or other group. For example, when someone is fired from a job, we could say “the boss gave them the boot”.

L:Give someone the boot也可以用来表示解雇?

C:Yes. To give someone the boot can also mean to let someone go, or “fire” someone.

L:原来是这样,如果老板给员工靴子,就是让员工离开的意思,那也就是解雇咯,这是一种口语化的说法。我再问一下,对员工来说,就是get the boot?

C:Exactly, to get the boot means you are “kicked out”. So if you're fired from a job, you are kicked out of the company- you “got the boot”. We can also directly say “to boot somebody from somewhere or from some group”. For example, “They booted him out of the chess club.”

L:看来真是这样,got the boot就是被解雇了,我们也可以说成get booted。意思和kicked out 一样。如果你被解雇了,就说你got the boot或者got booted. Chris在这里给我举了个例子,他说他被象棋俱乐部开除了He got booted from the chess club.。

C:Here's another example:“One of my friends got angry with his manager last month and swore at him. He got the boot.”


C:Yeah. There are some other interesting expeessions using the word “boot”. For example, to “bootstrap” means to do something through one's own efforts, without external help. It's often used in business to mean starting a company with little outside help or investment.


C:Yes, that's correct! So, we could say “he bootstrapped his company without any help from anyone else.” 意思就是他自己开公司了,没有其他人的帮助。


C:A common saying is to say someone is “shaking in their boots”. 这个说法表达你非常害怕。

L:哦,shaking in their boots表示害怕的打哆嗦。

C:Yes! For example, if I was swiming in the ocean and I saw a shark fin coming near me, I would be shaking in my boots! 因为是比喻,我虽然不穿靴子还是可以说 “I would be shaking in my boots”.

L:这是非常形象的说法,比如,我在海里游泳,然后看到了一条鲨鱼就在身边,这个时候我就可以说“I would be shaking in my boots”。我害怕极了。

C:Yup. And another last saying is to “die with your boots on”. If someone “dies with their boots on”, it means that they continue to work hard for their entire life, right up until the very end.

L:Chris又给我们带来了一个新的短语, “die with your boots on”,意思就是这个人一生都很忙碌,一直到死,这就是我们平时常说的“劳碌命”吧。今天讲的内容很多哦,不知道大家有没有消化呢,下面请chris给大家出练习巩固一下。

C:今天的练习是:请你研究一下 “boot” 相关的词 “bootleg” 的意思,然后在微信中自己造例句用语音回复我们,我们会给你提出口语建议哦。

  • externaladj. 外部的,外面的,外来的,表面的 n. 外部,外
  • clipn. 夹子,钳,回形针,弹夹 n. 修剪,(羊毛的)剪下
  • phrasen. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句 vt. 措词表达,将(
  • sharkn. 鲨鱼 n. 贪婪的人,放高利贷的人,老手 v. 诈
  • finn. 鳍,鱼翅,鳍状物,散热片,五元纸币 vt. 装上鳍