2015年12月英语六级(第3套)听力真题 短文(2)
日期:2016-05-10 17:00



J's (Biography of John Muir)-John Muir's own writings to bring readers a life story of this remarkable man who did so much to raise American's awareness of environmental issues. As America's first environmentalist, John Muir lived his life forever daring to undertake new adventures. He spent most of his days outdoors and had deep love for the wild lands. In the book, we meet John Muir as a youth fearlessly climbing the roof of his house. He captures birds only to let them go when he realizes the cruelty involved. He becomes an inventor and sells his inventions in order to attend the university. As a young man, he began walking over tens of thousands of miles during his lifetime, through the south to Florida, the west to California and north to Alaska, where readers are taken a long and particularly hair-raising adventure on a large mass of floating ice. Muir's learning in observation throughout his life led him to devote his last years to preserving the natural environment. His writing and speaking raised the awareness of the importance of conservation and helped bring about our national park system. Readers will feel they know John Muir after reading his story and may catch his passion for preserving the riches of our land. The other's portrayal of Muir's life is a testimony to what it means to be lifelong learners and to use that learning to inform and bring about change.


Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Questions 19. What kind of book is the speaker introducing?
问题19. 说话者在介绍什么书?
Questions 20. What do we learn about John Muir when he was young?
问题20. 我们了解了约翰·缪尔小时候的什么情况?
Questions 21. What did John Muir intend to do through writing and speaking?
问题21. 约翰·缪尔想通过文章和讲话做什么?





  • observationn. 观察,观察力,评论 adj. 被设计用来观察的
  • crueltyn. 残酷,残忍,残酷的行为,虐待
  • informv. 通知,告诉,向 ... 报告,告发
  • environmentalistn. 环保人士,环境论者
  • testimonyn. 证明,证据
  • awarenessn. 认识,意识,了解
  • biographyn. 传记
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • conservationn. 保存,防止流失,守恒,保护自然资源
  • portrayaln. 描绘,肖像,画像