Conversation one
W: I don't know what to do. I can't seem to get anyone in the hospital to listen to my complaints and this outdated equipment is dangerous. Just look at it.
W: 我不知道该怎么办。医院里没有任何人理会我的抱怨,并且这个过时的设备很危险。看看它啊。
M: Hmm, uh, are you trying to say that it presents a health hazard?
M: 你说过这对健康有害吗?
W: Yes, I am. The head technician in the lab tried to persuade the hospital administration to replace it, but they are trying to cut costs.
W: 是的,我说过。实验室的技术主任试图说服医院行政部门更换它,但是他们想要精简开支。
M: You are pregnant, aren't you?
M: 你怀孕了,对吗?
W: Yes, I am. I made an effort to get my supervisor to transfer me to another department, but he urged me not to complain too loudly. Because the administration is more likely to replace me than an X-ray equipment, I'm afraid to refuse to work. But I'm more afraid to expose my unborn child to the radiation.
W: 是的。我努力让我的主管把我调到别的部门,但是他劝我不要太过抱怨。因为相比更换X光设备,行政部门更有可能换掉我,我怕不能工作,但是我更怕让我未出世的孩子暴露在辐射中。
M: I see what you mean. Well, as your union representative, I have to warn you that it would take quite a while to force management to replace the old machines and attempt to get you transferred may or may not be successful.
M: 我懂你的意思了。作为你的工会代表,我不得不通知你,让管理部门更换旧机器需要一定的时间,并且调换你去其他部门的成功与失败率各占一半。
W: Oh, what am I supposed to do then?
W: 那么我该怎么做?
M: Workers have the legal right to refuse certain unsafe work assignments under two federal laws, the Occupation or Safety and Health Act and the National Labor Relations Act. But the requirements of either of the Acts may be difficult to meet.
M: 两项联邦法律,《职业安全与健康法案》和《国家劳工关系法》使员工有权拒绝在不安全的环境下工作。但是很难到达任何一个法案所提出的要求。
W: Do you think I have a good case?
W: 你认为我会是一个好的案例吗?
M: If you do lose your job, the union will fight to get it back for you along with back pay, your lost income. But you have to be prepared for a long wait, maybe after two years.
M: 如果你丢了工作,工会将会为你讨回工作和欠你的薪水。但是你要做好等待很长时间的心理准备,也许是两年之后才行。
Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
Question 19. What does the woman complain about?
问题19. 女士在抱怨什么?
Question 20. What has the woman asked her supervisor to do?
问题20. 女士想让她的主管做什么?
Question 21. What does the man say about the two federal laws?
问题21. 关于两部联邦法律,男士说了什么?
Question 22. What will the union do if the woman loses her job?
问题22. 如果女士失业了,工会会做什么?