Part 1 A Tour to Paris 巴黎旅游胜地介绍
Paris has long inspired opinionated outbursts, from delusional to denouncing, but on one matter travelers remain in agreement: it's among the most stimulating cities in the world.
Paris assaults all the senses, demanding to be seen, heard, touched, tasted and smelt. From luminescent landmarks to fresh poodle droppings on the pavement, the city is everything it should be - the very essence of all French things. If you come here expecting all you've heard to be true, you won't leave disappointed.
Paris is at its best during the temperate spring months (March to May), with autumn coming in a close second. In winter, there are all sorts of cultural events to tempt the visitor, but school holidays can clog the streets with the little folk. August is usually hot and sticky, and it's also when many Parisians take their yearly vacations, so businesses are likely to be closed.
Musée du Louvre 卢浮宫
Louvre is probably one of the most world-renowned sightseeing places in Paris. This enormous building, constructed around 1200 as a fortress and rebuilt in the mid-16th century for use as a royal palace, began its career as a public museum in 1793. As part of Mitterand's grands projets in the 1980s, the Louvre was revamped with the a ddition of a 21m (67ft) glass pyramid entrance. Initially deemed a failure, the new design has since won over those who regard consistency as inexcusably boring.
Vast scrums of people puff and pant through the rooms full of paintings, sculptures and antiquities, including the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo and Winged Victory (which looks like it's been dropped and put back together). If the clamor becomes unbearable, your best bet is to pick a period or section of the Louvre and pretend that the rest is somewhere across town.
Eiffel Tower 艾菲尔铁塔
This towering edifice was built for the World Fair of 1889, held to commemorate the centenn ial of the French Revolution. Named after its designer, Gustave Eiffel, it stands 320m (1050ft) high and held the record as the world's tallest structure until 1930. Initially opposed by the city's artistic and literary elite - who were only affirming their right to disagree with everything - the tower was almost torn down in 1909.
Salvation came when it proved an ideal platform for the antennas needed for the new science of radio telegraphy. When you're done peering upwards through the girders, you can visit any of the three public levels, which can be accessed by lift or stairs.
Notre Dame 巴黎圣母院
The city's cathedral ranks as one of the greatest achievements of Gothic architecture. Notre Dame was begun in 1163 and completed around 1345; the massive interior can accommodate over 6000 worshippers. Although Notre Dame is regarded as a sublime architectural achievement, there are all sorts of minor anomalies as the French love nothing better than to mess with things. These include a trio of main entrances that are each shaped differently, and which are accompanied by statues that were once coloured to make them more effective as Bible lessons for the hoi polloi.
The interior is dominated by spectacular and enormous rose windows, and a 7800-pipe organ that was recently restored but has not been working properly since. From the base of the north tower, visitors with ramrod straight spines can climb to the top of the west fa?ade and decide how much aesthetic pleasure they derive from looking out at the cathedral's many gargoyles - alternatively they can just enjoy the view of a decent swathe of Paris. Under the square in front of the cathedral, an archaeological crypt displays in situ the remains of structures from the Gallo-Roman and later periods.
Part 2 They Had a Good Time in Paris 他们在巴黎很开心
Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1
Mark: (Just waking up) I could sleep for another twenty hours. (yawns)
Tina: That's just the jet lag talking. C'mon Mark, let's get going.
Mark: Where are we going? Shopping?
Tina: No, dear. Today we will go to Sacre Coeur and walk around Monmartre.
Mark: OK. I know I asked you to plan out what we do, but we don't have to be in such a rush.
Tina: Don't worry. I will make sure you get enough time to relax.
1. 对话中,Tina 和Mark结伴去巴黎旅行,早上Tina叫Mark醒来,Mark觉得自己还是很困,再睡个一天一夜都没有问题。Tina说这都是时差在作祟。jet lag 表示“时差”,是指由于在飞机上快速跨越几个时区而造成的短暂的身体节律的紊乱。
2. That's just the jet lag talking. 这句话当中有一个用法大家要注意,就是That's ...talking. 表示“那是…在作祟”。当你想表达某事物是导致某人行为或判断偏差的主因,以至于说出不合理的话或者做出不合理的事情,就可以说That's ...talking. 我们来用一个对话做例子,---James just said he wants to rule the world. ---That's just the beer talking. ---James刚刚说他要统治世界。---那只是啤酒在作祟罢了。意思就是说James是因为多喝了两杯啤酒而胡言乱语。
3. Tina拉Mark起来,说let's get going. 意思是“我们出发吧”,在口语中很常用,大家应该记住。let's get going. 就是“我们走吧,我们出发吧。”今天Tina和Mark的计划是去Sacre Coeur圣心堂和Monmartre 蒙马特。圣心堂位于蒙马特小山上,是巴黎的最高点。以白色的大拱顶著称,巴黎人于是称它为“白教堂”。蒙马特又被称为巴黎的Las Vegas,因为这个地方曾经聚集过很多文学家和艺术家,这些人独特的生活习性,使这里成为酒馆、红灯区的大本营,红磨坊就是当地最有名的夜总会。
4. plan sth out 这个词组表示“筹划或详细安排某事物”,比如说,They were asked to plan out a traffic system for the town. 他们受邀为这个小镇筹划交通系统。
5. be in a rush 表示“匆忙做某事”,我们还可以说be in a hurry。Tina让Mark不要担心,她会把一切都计划好的,肯定会让Mark有机会休息。
Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2
(They have just come out of Sacre Coeur)
Mark: (Yawns) Well, I thought that was going to be much more interesting.
Tina: Well, it's one of the newer churches. I bet you will like the stained glass in some of the others.
Mark: Too bad Marie had to work today. I bet she'd know a great place to grab lunch.
Tina: Before we eat, can we climb up to the top? We'll get a great view.
Mark: Climb? Why don't we just take a picture here and tell people we climbed.
Tina: Well, I'm going even if you don't.
Mark: OK, but I was serious about that picture.
Mark: Pardones-moi! (points to camera) You...us...a...photograph? Merci.
Woman: Your English is almost as bad as your French.
Mark: Oh, hah, you speak English. Could you take a picture of us?
Woman: Mais oui, but where do I press the button?
Mark: Right here. And can you make sure you get the church in behind us?
Woman: You need to move a little to the right...and voila. Now, say "cheese!"
Mark: (To Tina as woman walks away) Boy. Parisians are so friendly.
1. 对话中Tina和Mark参观完圣心堂,在拍照留念。Mark觉得这个地方没什么意思,Tina说这还是最新式的教堂之一了。也许Mark会喜欢其他教堂的彩绘玻璃。stained glass就是“彩绘玻璃”。
2. I bet...这个用法表示“我敢说…”,常用在朋友之间的对话,一副笃定的语气说对方一定想怎么样,要是猜中了当然是可喜可贺,但是要是猜错了,也别觉得丢脸,反正是朋友嘛,说说笑笑又何妨呢?我们用一个对话来做例子,---I bet you want to come out to dinner with me tonight. ---Actually, I have other plans. ---我敢说你今晚想和我出来共进晚餐。---事实上,我有别的计划了。
3. Mark说太可惜了,他们的法国朋友Marie今天要工作,她一定知道吃午餐的好地方。grab lunch 就是指“吃午餐”,是比较随意的口语化说法,类似的用法还有grab a bite,表示“吃点东西,吃点零食”。Tina建议爬到圣心堂上面,这样可以看到很棒的风景,Mark一点也不感兴趣,问可不可以在外面拍张照片,然后告诉别人我们已经上去过了呢?
4. Tina可不管他,就算Mark不愿意上去,她也要自己上去。Mark无可奈何,只好陪Tina爬上去,不过他刚才说拍照可是认真的。他们从圣心堂下来后,Mark就招手拦住一位法国人帮他们拍照,还用他蹩脚的法语跟人家沟通。
5. 法语英语一块上了,Pardones-moi! (points to camera) You...us...a...photograph? Merci. Pardones-moi! 表示“不好意思”,相当于英语中的Excuse me。 Merci的意思是“谢谢”。还好那个法国人会说英语,要不然真的被他搞糊涂了。这个法国人还取笑Mark说,他的法语和英语一样差。
6. 法国人的说法是“Parisian”。这个法国人挺热情的,说Mais oui,相当于OK, sure. 意思就是“没问题”。Mark希望她能把教堂也拍进去。Mark他们再往右挪一点,就好了,...and voila这句话来自法语,意思是“好了”,是用来要人看某样东西或改变时的发语词。...and voila是用在“看着”某件事完成的时候,表示“看,这样就好了”。下次看着某件事做好了的时候,别忘了用...and voila这个表达方式。比如说,---Just put this program on your computer. --- ...and voila, the problem will be solved? ---只要把这个程序安装到你的电脑上就好了。---装好了,这样问题就解决了吗?
Dialogue Script 3 对话原文 3
Marie: This is Le Petit Saint Benoit. It has been open for over a hundred years.
Mark: It seems so French. Ooh, tell me, Marie. Where are we going tonight?
Marie: Ah, but you are a party boy! I thought we could go to a local café.
Mark: Just a café? Can't we go to a high class club or something?
Marie: Oh, Mark. To get into such places, you must be much better dressed than we are.
Mark: Well, tomorrow we shop, and then, tomorrow night, we dance.
Marie: Pas de problem. And tonight, Tina, we boy-watch at the café.
1. 对话中Tina和Mark跟Marie碰面一起吃晚饭。他们来到了一家有百年历史的餐厅,Le Petit Saint Benoit 小圣贝诺餐厅,真的很有法国的感觉,It seems so French. 我们也可以模仿说It seems so Chinese.很有中国的味道,只要用国家的形容词形式就行了。
2. Mark对吃饭并不感兴趣,他想知道晚上他们去哪里happy。Marie说Mark是一个热衷夜生活的人,a party boy,这是一个俚语,我们当然也可以说a party girl。Marie建议大家晚上去一家本地的咖啡馆。
3. Mark一听就失望了,只是去一家咖啡馆阿,多没劲,就不能去高级俱乐部之类的地方吗?Marie说,如果要去这些地方,可是要打扮得很漂亮才行。Mark一听就有精神了,本来很讨厌购物的他打算明天就去逛街购物买衣服,晚上就可以去跳舞了。
4. Pas de problem. 没问题,相当于No problem. 那么今晚呢?Marie 和Tina打算去咖啡厅看帅哥,boy-watch,其实就是watch boys,也就是“看帅哥”的意思,当然“看美女”就是girl-watch了。
Dialogue Script 4 对话原文 4
Mark: Oh, I think I drank too much last night!
Tina: I warned you. Time to get going, sleepyhead. We have a busy day today.
Mark: We're going shopping today?
Tina: Actually, no. Marie said she needs to work late tonight, so I thought we'd focus on sightseeing today.
Mark: You're not my friend.
Tina: Hah. Trust me, Mark. You will have a good time today.
Mark: Sure I will.
(The two start at the catacombs)
Tina: Now, aren't you glad I talked you into wearing walking shoes?
Mark: Yes, I am. Ah! Oh my god! This place is full of skulls.
Tina: The rest of the skeletons are here, too. This is, in a way, Paris' grand cemetery.
Mark: This is also, in a way, very creepy.
Tina: There are hundreds of years of dead people in there.
Mark: Hmm. Think we should take one of these skulls with us? It would make a great souvenir.
1. 对话中,Tina和Mark又来到了地下墓穴,地下通道,catacomb。昨天晚上Mark喝酒喝多了,早上起来头疼。Tina催促他,Time to get going. 该走了!这句话的意思其实就是和Time to go.是一样的,告诉别人该走了,或是到了出发的时间,就可以用这句话,轻松地提醒一下,比如说,---It's time to get going. ---I'll be ready in a minute. ---该走了。---一分钟就好。
2. sleepyhead就是指“贪睡的人”。Mark还以为今天大家要一起去逛街,但是Marie今晚还要工作到很晚,所以今天他们主要还是观光。focus on 表示“集中在...”,比如说,I'm so tired I can't focus on anything today. 今天我太累了,精神集中不起来。还有focus sth on sth,将…集中于…,比如说,Focus your minds on the following problem. 请集中考虑以下问题。
3. Mark一听今天又是景点观光,就不高兴了,还赌气说Tina真不够朋友。Tina只好哄他说,今天一定会让他高兴的。他们来到了地下墓穴,多亏Tina劝Mark穿上了运动鞋,要不然会被累死的。talk sb into doing sth这句话表示“说服某人做某事”,He talked his father into buying him a new car. 他说服他的父亲给他买一辆新车。
4. 那么有talk sb into doing sth,就会有talk sb out of doing sth,“说服某人不要做某事”,比如说,I tried to talk her out of going. 我尽量劝她不要去。他们现在所在的地下墓穴还挺恐怖的,到处都是骷髅头,skull就是指“头盖骨”,skeleton是“全身骨架”。原来从某种意义上说,这个地方就是巴黎的一个巨大墓穴。
5. 我们学过honestly speaking “老实说”,generally speaking“大致上来说”还有strictly speaking“严格来说”,现在我们又学了一个“以某种程度来说”,就是in a way。当你对一件事提出委婉的看法的时候,in a way就派上用场了。比如说,---How did you liked the scary movie? ---In a way, I liked it. ---你觉得恐怖片如何?---某种程度上来说,我挺喜欢的。
6. Mark觉得从某种意义上来说,这里面也挺吓人的,因为堆了好几百年的死人骨头。Mark建议说可以拿个头骨回去做纪念品,souvenir 指“旅游纪念品”,跟一般的present不太一样。