Part 1 What Do You Know About the Computer? 电脑基本知识
首先你得弄明白你想用电脑做什么。有些人只是单纯地做些文字处理(writing documents),有些人则是为了玩网络游戏(playing computer games),还有些专业人士拿电脑做影象编辑(editing pictures),电脑发烧友 (techie)是为了添置新设备,而网民们(netizen)就是想了解有什么新的快速上网渠道。
然后根据自己的预算决定是攒一台电脑还是买一台品牌机(factory model)。不管是攒一台机器还是买品牌机,都得知道这台电脑的中央处理器(CPU)是哪家公司生产的,硬盘(hard disc)的容量(capacity)有多大,转速(RPM)快慢,频率(frequency)怎么样,主板(mainboard/motherboard)的选择是什么,声卡(sound card)和显卡(video card)是什么品牌。光驱(CD-ROM player)多大,显示器(screen/monitor)是什么质地,尺寸大小如何等等。
接着问问自己偏好什么形状的电脑。是轻薄(thin)而体积小(compact),不占地方(space-saving)的笔记本电脑(notebook computer/laptop)还是物美价廉的台式电脑(desktop computer)。还有一点值得你参考,笔记本电脑的兼容性(compatibility)和扩展性(expandability)都低,但淘汰率和维修费(repair costs)则高,花同样的价钱你可以买到配置更高的台式电脑。所以买之前一定要考虑清楚。
backup 备分
cursor 光标
desktop computer 台式电脑
diskette 软盘
download 下载
database 数据库
dialogue box 对话框
e-mail 电子邮件
drag and drop 拖拉移动法
encryption 加密
function key 功能键
hard disk 硬盘
home page 主页
icon 图标
input 输入
internet service provider (ISP) 因特网服务提供商
keyboard 键盘
laser printer 激光打印机
Microsoft Internet Explorer 微软因特网浏览器
modem 调制解调器,俗称“猫”
mouse 鼠标
multimedia 多媒体
palmtop computer 掌上电脑
streaming 实时播放
virtual reality 虚拟现实
warranty 保修期
web site 网页
World Wide Web (WWW) 万维网
virus 病毒
capacity 容量
CPU (central processing unit) 中央处理器
CD-Rom Player 光驱
facsimile 传真
firewall 防火墙
format a disk 磁盘格式化
host computer 主机
laptop 手提电脑
menu 菜单
password 密码
web server 网络服务器
zip disk 文件压缩盘片
browse 浏览
memory 内存
sound card 声卡
video card 显卡
mainboard 主板
scanner 扫描仪
Dialogue Script 1 对话原文1
Clerk: Can I help you?
Stan: OK, I want to buy a computer.
Clerk: What do you want to be able to do with it?
Stan: Oh, I'm not sure. I don't know much about computers.
Clerk: Do you want to play games or write documents?
Stan: What's the difference?
Clerk: Well, for game playing, it's better if you have a bigger memory and a better quality video card.
Stan: I guess Pentium IV 1.6 would be good.
Clerk: OK. What size hard drive do you want?
Stan: It doesn't need to be too big, just big enough to play games. What about the rest?
Clerk: If you're concerned about game effects, I suggest you buy a higher quality sound card and video card.
Stan: Effects? Yeah, that's important. Give the best! And I'd like a big screen.
Clerk: The monitor for a big screen will take up more space. What about a flat screen? They're more expensive, however.
1. 首先,导购员问Stan想拿电脑来做什么。 What do you want to be able to do with it? 也可以说What are you going to use your computer for?
2. Stan打算用电脑来打电脑游戏,这对电脑有什么要求呢?就是a bigger memory and a better quality video card and sound card. 大一点的内存,质量好一点的显卡和声卡。Pentium IV 1.6 奔腾4 1.6的处理器,Pentium是英特尔(Intel)公司开发的32位微处理机名称。
3. What size hard drive do you want? 要多大的硬盘?a big screen or monitor.大一点的显示器。a flat screen就是纯平显示器,比较贵。现在比较流行的是体积较小的液晶显示器,LCD,是liquid crystal display的缩写。还有笔记本电脑的显示器现在是以 “薄膜电晶体” TFT 是thin-film transistor的缩写,当然造价就更高了。
Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2
Brian: Check it out!Were slashing prices! Hello, ma'am .
Monica: Oh, Hi, I'm just looking. I have a computer already.
Brian: How long have you had it?.
Monica: Ten years. Works like a charm.
Brian: Ten years? What a dinosaur! I can't believe you still use it.
Monica: It's fine for writing letters and...
Brian: Do you like to play interactive games?
Monica: Well, my sister has a Ninendo.
Brian: Today's computer graphics are so realistic. And you can download games from the Internet.
Monica: Oh, yeah, the Internet thing. I'd like to get that some day.
Brian: Why not today? Live in the 21st century with a new system.
Monica: But my parents gave me that computer when I started grad school. Can't I just upgrade it?
Brian: Even if it's possible, it won't be worth it.
Monica: I used it to write my thesis. The hard drive has almost 40 megabytes!
Brian: Today's have twenty to eighty gigabytes. I bet your computer isn't even modem compatible.
Monica: But it was so expensive, over 20,000 yuan. It must be high quality.
Brian: In the 80's, all computers cost and arm and leg.
Monica: Are things different now?
1. 这里Monica在一个电脑商城闲逛的时候,Brian趁机向她推荐电脑产品。他用的广告语是Check it out!We're slashing prices! 就是 “瞧一瞧,看一看了,大减价了!” check it out在口语当中是一个很有用的词组,表示 “看看”的意思,例如: Check it out, man! The room is huge. 天哪,快来看!房间好大呀!
2. I'm just looking. 我就是随便看看。下次大家去逛商场的时候,如果导购员问你想买什么的时候,而你又还没有决定,就可以说I'm just looking.随便看看。
3. Works like a charm. Something works like a charm,是说某物有奇效,这里是说我的电脑很好用。
4. Monica 的电脑用了10年了,Brian惊叹 What a dinosaur! 整个一个恐龙,也就是说Monica 的电脑真够老的了。
5. interactive games是互动式游戏,也就是我们说的网络游戏。Ninendo是指任天堂公司出品的电视游戏机和游戏。任天堂是日本一个专门生产游戏的公司。
6. Today's computer graphics are so realistic. 是说现在的电脑图象非常逼真。Graphics是指在电脑上能制作,处理,编辑图形的能力,一般也称为computer graphics。这里用realistic来修饰它,是逼真,生动的意思。
7. upgrade the computer给电脑升级,但是一般都比较贵,所以Brian说It won't be worth it. 不值得,还不如买一台新的。be worth something 具有某种价值,值得... ...,例如:What is it worth?或How much is it worth?这值多少钱? It is worth£500. 它值五百镑。The rarer it is, the more it is worth. 物以稀为贵。He is worth a million. 他是百万富翁。It's worth seeing /hearing,/reading. 值得一看(一听, 一读). The proposal is not worth consideration.这个提案不值得考虑。
8. The hard drive has almost 40 megabytes! 硬盘有将近40MB呢。megabyte是百万字节,是电脑的存储单位,通常以缩写MB来表示。也就是我们说的兆字节。下面说的gigabyte是十亿字节,通常用缩写GB来表示。giga-为字首,意为“十亿”
9. The computer is modem compatible.电脑能兼容调制解调器,modem调制解调器,也就是我们俗称的“猫”。
10. It must be high quality.质量一定很好。那么质量差就是Low quality。
11. In the 80's, all computers cost and arm and leg. 80年代的电脑都贵的要命。cost and arm and leg.表示“价值不菲”。
Dialogue Script 3 对话原文 3
Brian: OK, now, let's talk about what you need.
Monica: Should I build my own system?
Brian: Well, you can. But it's better if you know something about computer first.
Monica: So what are my other options?
Brian: Buy a factory model. Then everything is already installed and configured.
Monica: Is that what you recommend?
Brian: For a first-time buyer, yes. All options are preset at the factory.
Monica: Are there any other possibilities?
Brian: You can pick the parts you want and have us install them for you.
Monica: Really? That sounds good. How long would that take?
Brian: About three days, give or take a day.
Monica: Do I have to pick it up?
Brian: You can also have it delivered to your house.
Monica: Nah, I'll get it today while I have the courage. But what if it breaks down?
Brian: I'll give you my cell phone number. If there's a problem, just let me know.
Monica: It's a deal. You can just give me the factory model on display.
Brian: I'll tell you what? Let me get you one that's unopened.
Monica: That'd be nice. Thank you.
1. 在这段对话中Monica决定要买一台电脑了。她问道,Should I build my own system? 我应该自己攒一台电脑吗? 但是Brian的建议是Buy a factory model,买一台品牌机,就是a factory model。特别是对a first-time buyer 初次购买者来说买一台a factory model比较方便,因为 everything is already installed and configured. 所有的东西在出厂前就已经安装和配置好了。 install 安装,组装;configured 配置,设定。
2. preset,就是set加上一个前缀pre,表示 “预先组装”。
3. Monica问组装一台电脑需要多长时间,Brian回答About three days, give or take a day. 大约三天,前后可能差一天时间,也就是三天左右,大家注意give or take a day这个表达。
4. have someone do something 和have something done,前者表示让某人做某事,对话中的原句是 You can pick the parts you want and have us install them for you. 你可以选好你要的配件,让我们来给你安装。have something done 也表示让别人做某事的意思,只是没有强调是谁来做这件事情。对话中原句是You can also have it delivered to your house. 你也可以要求送货上门。
5. break down 指电脑出故障,也就是我们常说的 “电脑当掉了。”也可以用crash这个词。
6. It's a deal.表示”一言为定”。 或者就简单地说一个词 Deal! 也可以表示同样的意义。
7. on display展示,the factory model on display 就是用做样品的品牌机。
Dialogue Script 4 对话原文 4
Brian: Here you go! It comes with a Fujitsu hard drive and a 17 inches Panasonic monitor.
Monica: Those boxes are so big!
Brian: Plus a keyboard and a mouse. The sound card and an Asus video card are built-in.
Monica: Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything?
Brian: Oh, yeah, speakers and an HP LaserJet printer.
Monica: I was just joking.
Brian: It's great value. But maybe you want to add some software.
Monica: First things first. Is there a warranty?
Brian: A one-year warranty, free parts and service.
Monica: What about after that?
Brian: You can still return it to the factory for repair, but for a charge.
Monica: All this for just 7,000 yuan. I can't believe it.
Brian: Plus 1,000 for the DVD.
Monica: Oh, yeah. What were you saying about software?
Brian: Windows XP and an English-Chinese dictionary are included.
Monica: Is there any special software for architects? I need to work at home.
Brian: We have AutoCad and Visual CADD. I strongly recommend you buy Microsoft Office as well.
Monica: OK, I'll take it and the AutoCad. But how will I install everything?
Brian: I'll tell you what, I'll come to your house tonight and help you.
Monica: Really? That would make me feel so much better!
Brian: Altogether, that will be 12,000 yuan. If you sign here, it's all yours.
Monica: Twelve grand? What happened to the original price?
Brian: You added on several items. They made price higher.
Monica: I wasn't even going to buy anything.
Brian: Ma'am, believe me, you'll be set for another fifteen years.
1. 现在Brian已经为Monica 选好了一台电脑,还配上了一些其他的软件。It comes with a Fujitsu hard drive and a 17 inches Panasonic monitor. 这台电脑配有一块富士通硬盘和一台17寸的松下显示器。Plus a keyboard and a mouse.再加上一个键盘和一个鼠标。键盘是keyboard,也指键盘乐器。鼠标就是老鼠那个词,mouse,很形象。
2. The sound card and an Asus video card are built-in. 声卡和华硕显卡也是内置的。Asus,是华硕电脑股份有限公司,使用电脑的人应该对这个品牌很熟悉了。speakers and an HP LaserJet printer. 音箱和惠普激光打印机。惠普是一个知名的打印机品牌。
3. It's great value. 买的很划算。也可以说It's a good buy. 买的很便宜。
4. First things first. 在口语中很常用,指先办最重要的事。
5. a warranty 质保,也就是售后服务。Brian说A one-year warranty, free parts and service. 质保一年,零件跟维修都免费。购买商品的时候要注意这个warranty 质保的条款,弄清楚都有哪些服务。
6. 那一年质保期过后呢?What about after that? You can still return it to the factory for repair, but for a charge. 还是可以送回原场修理,但是要收费。Charge作为动词,有收费的意思,比如: They did not charge for the second cup of coffee. 免费续第二杯咖啡。 That beauty salon charges ten dollars for a haircut. 那家美发店理一次发要价十美元。
7. Windows XP and an English-Chinese dictionary are included. Windows是微软公司推出的视窗操作系统,如果w不大写,windows就是指电脑上的视窗。现在普遍使用的操作系统是Windows XP和Windows 2000或98。AutoCad 是一种电脑辅助设计软件,Visual CADD 是一种绘图应用软件。
8. Brian还强烈建议Monica购买Microsoft Office系统。他说 I strongly recommend you buy Microsoft Office as well. recommend someone do/to do something 建议推荐某人做某事,例如:I recommend you to wait. 我建议你再等等。He recommended me try the new drug. 他给我推荐那种新药。recommend 还可以直接加上名词,例如:Can you recommend a good dictionary? 你能介绍一本好词典吗?Honesty recommends any person.任何一个人都欢迎诚实的品质。
9. I'll take it. 就是 “我决定买了” 的意思。
10. twelve grand 一万两千,grand是俚语,表示数字 “一千”。就象buck也是一个俚语,表示 “美元”。twelve grand bucks就是一万两千美元。
11. What happened to the original price? 那当初的价钱呢? What happened to这个短语很常用,只要事情发生了变化,就可以用这个短语。例如: What happened to your old couch? 你的旧双人沙发哪去了?
12. You added on several items. add on 表示 “另外加上去”。
13. You'll be set for another fifteen years. be set, 准备好,安顿好。例如: I'm all set. 我都准备好了。
Part 3 Playing Computer Games 电脑网络游戏
Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1
Jenny: Hello, Sam, another weekend is coming. What are you going to do on Saturday evening?
Sam: I'm not sure, any idea?
Jenny: Try the game Counter Strike. It is very fascinating.
Sam: Oh, really? I'll try it. But, I'm afraid it will take up too much time. You know I am so busy. Besides, it will do harm to my eyes when I'm in front of the computer for a long time.
Jenny: Take it or leave it. It's up to you. But it's not a waste of time, and you can learn a lot from it. At least it can help you relax.
Sam: I'm torn between the two.
Jenny: Well, you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. Right?
Sam: Oh, yeah. Ok, see you later.
Jenny: Bye.
1. Take it or leave it. 玩不玩都随你,也就是做与不做都在于自己。
2. 这里提到了一个游戏的名称, Counter Strike,就是 “反恐”游戏。
3. take up too much time 占用过多的时间。 take up,占用\占据某物。比如: The piano takes too much room. 那架钢琴太占地方了。
4. It's up to you. 由你决定。
5. Sam 说I'm torn between the two. 我真是进退两难。
6. You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. 鱼与熊掌不可兼得啊。虽然这个俗语字面翻译过来是想做煎蛋卷就必须打碎鸡蛋,但表达的意思是 “有得必有失”, “鱼与熊掌不可兼得” 正好跟这个意思相配。
Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2
Susan: What's going on in your room? Where did all that sound of gun shots come from?
Tim: Relax. Haven't you ever seen someone playing network games? I was playing a network game on the LAN. The name of the game is Delta Force. Wait, let me first move my role into a safe corner, hiding in the shadow.
Susan: Oh, I see. Cool!
Tim: Yes, it's a death match among several soldiers. We seek and shoot each other in a killing field, where there are all kinds of terrain and buildings. One who shoots the most within a certain period of time is the winner.
(five minutes later)
Tim: Oh, no, my man was killed! I should not have talked to you when I was playing. I'll surely take revenge.
Susan: Oh, sorry, but you can't enjoy your victory for long. The rest of soldiers are beginning to shoot at you. Some of them are even using anti-tank weapons!
Tim: I tried to hide myself behind a wall, but...oh my...the tower collapsed!
Susan: Let me play a round, please!
Tim: Ok, start another round.
1. play network games 打网络游戏。play network games on the LAN在局域网上联网打游戏。LAN 局域网,本地网,是local area network的缩写。
2. Delta Force 是一种网络游戏的名称,三角部队,是几个虚拟战士之间进行的死亡游戏。
3. take revenge.复仇。
4. a round,游戏或比赛的一轮。