高考英语听力每日一练 第148期
日期:2013-06-28 15:42



248. 听下面材料,回答第(1) (2) 题。
(1) Why can't the woman sleep well?
A. She works too hard.
B. She reads many books.
C. She worries about her health.

(2) What does the man advise?
A. Taking sleeping pills.
B. Having some fruit.
C. Having a big meal.


W: I can't sleep very well. Could I take some sleeping pills, please?
M: Is anything worrying you?
W: Well, perhaps... I'm working very hard. We're very busy at the moment.
M: Well. I don't really like giving patients sleeping pills. You must have a good rest. Forget all about work. If you can't sleep, have a hot bath before you go to bed, and then read a boring book. Don't choose exciting ones.
W: Oh, but I like a drink before I go to bed.
M: OK, have a glass of milk. Have some fruit or bread but don't have a big meal in the evening.

(1) 正确答案为A。I'm working very hard. We're very busy at the moment.我工作非常努力。我们现在非常忙。可知,女子因为工作太努力而睡不好,因此A项正确。
(2) 正确答案为B。根据Have some fruit or bread but don't have a big meal in the evening.晚上吃些水果或面包,但不要吃太多东西。可知,男子建议女子吃些水果,因此B项正确。
