高考英语听力每日一练 第124期
日期:2013-05-23 16:19



224. 听下面材料,回答第(1) (2) (3) 题。
(1) Who does the man buy a gift for?
A. A Japanese friend.
B. A Japanese family.
C. A Japanese teacher.

(2) What does the man decide to buy at last?
A. A set of pen and pencil.
B. A bigger set with four pens.
C. A set of a pen and four pencils.

(3) What can we learn from the conversation?
A. Japanese language.
B. Japanese culture.
C. Japanese education.


W: Can I help you?
M: Yes, I'm looking for a gift for a Japanese family here that I'm going to stay with. What do you recommend?
W: Pen sets are always a good gift.
M: Isn't that too small? You know... I'm here to learn Japanese in a college for a whole year. I think it's a long time and it'll be a great trouble to the family, so I'll...
W: Well, I see... But we Japanese consider it important to respect each other, rather than give expensive gifts.
M: Yes, all right, let's see pen sets. There's sets with a pen and a pencil, and bigger sets with four pens.
W: Don't give a set of four pens to your Japanese friend. In fact, don't give four of anything.
M: Why is that?
W: The Japanese word "four" sounds like the word for "death". It means bad luck.
M: Thanks a lot. In that case, I'll take the single pen and pencil set.
W: Good choice. These sets make very good gifts. After all, pens write in any language.
M: Right.

(1) 正确答案为B。根据I'm looking for a gift for a Japanese family here.我想送礼物给这里的日本家庭。可知,男子要为日本家庭买礼物,因此B项正确。
(2) 正确答案为A。根据I'll take the single pen and pencil set.那我就买一支钢笔和一支铅笔的套装。可知,男子最终决定买一支钢笔和一支铅笔的套装。因此A项正确。
(3) 正确答案为B。根据We Japanese consider it important to respect each other, rather than give expensive gifts.我们日本人认为互相尊重比赠送贵重的礼物重要。以及The Japanese word "four" sounds like the word for "death".日语里面的4听上去和死很像。可知,我们能从对话中了解到日本文化,因此B项正确。

  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • recommendvt. 建议,推荐,劝告 vt. 使成为可取,使受欢迎