日期:2012-06-28 15:59


Secrets Of Silk Production
Fifteen hundred years ago in China, silk production was a state secret.
The silk trade was so valuable that anyone who tried to take silkworm eggs or mulberry seeds out of China was put to death. Then in 552 AD, two monks smuggledsilkworm eggs to Constantinople, and silk production spread worldwide. Now that the secret’s out, we can safely talk about how silkworms and humans make luxurious silk cloth.
A silkworm actually isn't a worm at all. It's a type of caterpillar that once existed in the wild, but now only survives in domesticated form. Silkworms are fussy eaters, dining only on mulberry leaves. When a silkworm has had its fill, it spins a cocoon from a single strand of silk, two to three thousand feet long!
According to legend, a Chinese empress discovered how to harvest silk when a cocoon fell into her tea. She plucked it from the teacup by the loose end of the silk, then unraveled the whole cocoon. To harvest silk commercially, cocoons are first steamed to kill the pupae inside. This is because the silkworm would break the silk if it began to emerge as a moth. Next the cocoon is dunked in hot water, rather than tea, to dissolve the sticky coating that binds the silk. Then a machine unwinds the single strand that makes up each cocoon. Twisted together, these strands make the fine thread used to weave silk cloth.
据传说记载,有个蚕茧掉到了中国一位皇后的茶水中,这位皇后从而发现了获得蚕丝的方法。她拿着蚕丝散开的一头把蚕茧从茶杯中拿了出来,接着解开了整个蚕 茧。商业上获取蚕丝时,首先会把蚕茧蒸一下以杀死里面的蛹。这是因为当蚕蛹蜕化为蛾子破茧而出时会咬断蚕丝。接着,将蚕茧浸入热水中,而不是泡在茶水中, 以溶解把蚕丝互相粘在一起的粘性覆盖物。然后会有种机器把构成每个蚕茧的那根丝抽出来,这些丝缠在一起就制成了用于纺织丝绸的细丝线。

  • wormn. 虫,蠕虫 v. 蠕动,驱虫,慢慢探听出 n.
  • stickyadj. 粘的,闷热的,困难的,令人不满意的
  • twistedadj. 扭曲的 v. 扭动(twist的过去式)
  • caterpillarn. 毛虫 卡特彼勒(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地美
  • threadn. 线,细丝,线索,思路,螺纹 vt. 穿线于,穿过,
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • mothn. 蠹,娥
  • valuableadj. 贵重的,有价值的 n. (pl.)贵重物品
  • cocoonn. 茧,茧状物, vt. 包围,包裹
  • emergevi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来