流利美国口语(MP3+中英字幕) Unit9教育:中小学校
日期:2015-01-29 15:06


UNIT9 Education

第九单元 教育

Part1 School

第1部分 中小学校

Dialogue 1


A: What grade is your son in now?

A: 你儿子现在几年级了?

B: He skipped ahead one grade and is now in the 6th grade.

B: 他跳了一级,现在上六年级。

A: Does he like to go to school?

A: 他喜欢上学吗?

B: Not now. I had a talk with his teacher at the PTA meeting and found out that he is tired and sick of study.

B: 现在不喜欢了。家长会上我和他老师谈了谈,发现他现在非常厌学。

A: Why?

A: 为什么?

B: He felt he is under great pressure. He would rather stay seated in the classroom for the break than go out to play with his classmates.

B: 他觉得压力更大了。他宁愿课间呆坐在座位上也不愿和同学们出去玩。

A: Frankly speaking. I think you and your wife have been short-sighted. You can't see the woods for the trees.

A: 说实话,我觉得你和你爱人都目光短浅。你们一直是只见树木,不见森林。

Dialogue 2


A: How come you make out so well in your classes?

A: 你怎么课堂上表现那么好?

B: Who? Me? You're kidding! I fool around, too.

B: 谁?我?你是在开玩笑吧?我也是在课堂上混混时间而已。

A: Come on, Bill. Confess.

A: 说吧,比尔,老实交代吧。

B: I don't know. I just listen carefully to what the teacher says, do my homework, and study hard. And so I guess that's all I have to do.

B: 我也不知道怎么回事。我只是听老师讲课,做作业,用功学习。我想我就做了这些。

A: Maybe you are right, Bill. I know you always pay attention in class whenever I see you.

A: 也许你说得对,比尔。我知道你在上课时听讲很认真,每次我看到你都是这样专心。

  • pressuren. 压力,压强,压迫 v. 施压
  • confessv. 承认,告白,忏悔