读《欲望都市》学性感美语(MP3+文本) 第7期:特别迷恋
日期:2014-10-29 16:06


今天分享的这个词组是“have a thing for someone or something ”意为“强烈迷恋某人或某物,特别喜欢某人或某物”。


Old Movie stars you’d have liked to fuck when they were young.说说在他们年轻时你想跟他们上床的老电影明星。

I’d have to say Sophia Loren.我想说苏菲亚罗兰。

My dad had a thing for her.我爸很喜欢她。


He has a thing for models.他特别迷恋模特。

Susan has this thing for cute young guys.苏珊喜欢年轻的帅锅。

Why do all men have a thing for manipulation ?为什么所有的男人都有控制欲呢?
