英语悠选脱口秀(MP3+文本) 第108期:早上洗澡还是晚上洗
日期:2016-09-07 07:35


Today's key word is Shower
Shower S-H-O-W-E-R 淋浴 淋浴器

If you have a shower, you wash yourself by standing under a spray of water from a shower.

Here is an example:
I think I'll go home and have a shower.

今天我们就来说说洗澡的事儿。Do you prefer to shower in the morning or at night? This is a tough(困难的) question and it is debatable! So let's talk! For those who prefer to shower in the morning. They start the day by taking a fresh shower. It helps them wake up; it helps them get fresh; it helps them be ready for the new day!

A morning shower transforms their entire day in a positive light. And If you're an oily-skinned(油性皮肤) girl, it makes sense to shower in the morning to get rid of all that gross oily build-up in your pores毛孔. A morning shower makes you feel prettier all day! I bet Beyoncé takes morning showers, too.


Which do you prefer: Morning Showers or Night Showers? Tell us on our wechat, Search for ayoenglish. We're waiting to hear your choice!
