英语悠选脱口秀(MP3+文本) 第82期:便便味道消除喷雾
日期:2016-08-02 09:10


Today’s key word is Spray
Spray 喷雾
Spray is a lot of small drops of water which are being thrown into the air.

Here is an example:
The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall.

今天我们要说的这件事,可没有彩虹那么美。话说,When I was watching videos yesterday, an ad suddenly caught my eye. Here it is. 怎么样,是不是还挺好听的。But, did you notice(注意) the sound at the beginning?很熟悉有没有!

I bet you hear the sound almost every day when you flash the toilet. 没错,就是冲马桶的声音。所以,这到底是个啥广告呢?The product in this ad is called Poo-pourri. 看完这个广告,不禁感叹,这个产品的发明简直是个奇迹,这样一个产品,做这么魔性的广告更是让人脑洞大开。一起来听听具体是个啥产品。By the way, 我们绝对没拿广告费哦!
“So, How do you make the world believe your poop(便便)doesn’t stink(臭臭) or in fact that you never poop at all. Poo-pourri ! Poo-pourri is the before you go toilet spray that is proven to trap(陷阱) those embarrassing odors(尴尬的气味) at the source(根源). Simply spritz(喷水)Poo-pourri in the bowl to create a foam(泡沫) the water surface, that actually traps the odors(气味) in their porcelain prison(陶瓷监狱). And when your little astronauts(宇航员) splash down(降落) and make contact with the foam(泡沫), they release Poo-pourri’s pleasant aromas(芳香). So all those around you can smell is a refreshing bouquet of essential oils(花香). Yes, it is a real product.

想象出来这是个什么产品了吗?上厕所之前,喷在马桶里后再释放你的便便的时候,就不会发出臭臭的味道了。I don’t know what’s your thought on this,but I am impressed. It is funny, amazing and ridicules.

So the question is--- do you want to trythis Poo pourri?
Tell us!
