全球社会热点新闻报道 第20期:跟你的孩子谈性
日期:2016-02-19 09:57


Talking about sex with Children
Have you talked to your kids about sex yet? After giving us the strategies and a handbook—for starting the conversation, Dr. Laura Berman's back to help the parents of teenagers still struggling with the sex talk.
The talk shouldn't only be about STD prevention and pregnancy, Dr. Berman says. It's also about empowerment—and Dr. Berman says the conversation needs to include pleasure and selfstimulation.
波曼博士认为这一话题不应该只是有关防止性病传染和怀孕, 它还涉及了“授权”问题。这一交谈必须是令人愉快的和具有自我刺激性的交谈。
“You don't want her to have sex right now. ... But you eventually want her to have a fulfilling, happy, loving, intimate sex life,” she says. “When the time comes, she's much more likely to make those healthy decisions since she feels good about who she is as a sexual person and not just give away that gift to anybody the first time or any time."
波曼博士说你并不想她现在就跟人发生性关系,但你最终还是希望她有一个满意的、快乐的、充满爱的和亲密的性生活。什么时候她觉得自己已经是一位好的性伙伴了,她就很可能会作出那些正确的决 定,而不是把自己的第一次(或任何一次)随便地交给任何一人。”
After dating for three months, 14-year-old Courtney and Pierce say they're thinking about taking their relationship to the next level. Both say it would be their first time.
Pierce's mom, Lisa, says she noticed how her son was looking at Courtney and started to suspect something might happen soon. 6tFrom my gut, they are getting very, very close to have sex,she says.
Dr. Berman says if you suspect that your children are thinking about having sex, you need to ask them several important questions. What should parents know about having this conversation with their own children? This is the kind of conversation where you need to be calm, listening a lot, asking questions, hearing opinions and giving them your thoughts and feelings,Dr. Berman says.
波曼博士说,如果你怀疑你的孩子在考虑着要发生性关系了, 你就得问他们几个重要的间题。跟自己的孩子进行这祥的交谈,父母应该了解些什么?波曼博士说广这种交谈需要你静下心来,听他们说,问他们问题,听他们的意见,给出你的想法和感受。”
Get all Dr. Berman's questions for a teen who's thinking about having sex.
The first question Dr. Berman has for Pierce and Courtney is simple why now?
“We've been dating for a little while, and we feel like we're ready,” Pierce says. “We love each other, and we're not just doing it because we want to do it.... We want it to be special.”
“I think having sex, intercourse, is a really big step in your life. When you do it for the first time, it has to be with someone that you really care about' Courtney says. “I do really care about Pierce, and I think for me to do it with him for the first time would be really special.”
科特妮说广我觉得做爱、性交,真的是你生命中的一大台阶。你的第一次应该跟一个你真正在 乎的人发生。我真的在乎皮尔斯,而且我觉得我跟他的第一次肯定会很特别。”
Dr. Berman also wants to make sure Courtney and Pierce have thought through the emotional changes that come with sex. “The first time, it comes with intense emotions, intense feelings especially afterward,55 she says.
Questions Dr. Berman says they need to consider are:
What does this mean for who I am as a person?
What does this mean for my body?
What does this mean for my relationship with this person?
What happens next?
If they do have sex, have Courtney and Pierce discussed their expectations for how frequently it would happen? “It's not really up to me,” Pierce says. “It's her decision how often she wants to continue doing it, so I don't really have a choice.”
Good answer, Dr. Berman says. “She's got to consent. That's good' she says. “That's part of the conversation as well.”
Whether you have boys at home or girls, Dr. Berman says the information you give needs to be the same.
“Boys are under a tremendous amount of pressure as well,” Dr. Berman says. “I think we really have to pay attention to that, too, and give them both the same information the same lack of permission or permission as the case may be and the same resources.”

  • suspectn. 嫌疑犯 adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的 v. 怀疑
  • piercen. 皮尔斯 v. 刺穿,穿透,洞悉
  • preventionn. 阻止,妨碍,预防
  • consentn. 同意,许可 v. 同意,承诺
  • pressuren. 压力,压强,压迫 v. 施压
  • emotionaladj. 感情的,情绪的
  • intenseadj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的
  • eventuallyadv. 终于,最后
  • permissionn. 同意,许可,允许
  • decisionn. 决定,决策