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George W. Bush 乔治•沃克•布什
proceed 继续(做)
engage in 从事于
preemptive 先发制人的
doctrine 主义,学说
allegation 主张
unprecedented 空前的
The Bush Administration proceeded to assert a right
and intention to engage in preemptive war, also called preventive war,
in response to perceived threats.
This would form a basis for what became known as the Bush Doctrine.
The broader "War on Terror", allegations of an "axis of evil",
and, in particular, the doctrine of preemptive war,
began to weaken the unprecedented levels of international
and domestic support for President Bush and United States action
against al Qaeda following the September 11 attacks.
The Bush Administration proceeded to assert a right
and intention to engage in preemptive war,
also called preventive war,
This would form a basis
for what became known as the Bush Doctrine.
The broader "War on Terror", allegations of an "axis of evil",
and, in particular, the doctrine of preemptive war,
began to weaken the unprecedented levels of international
and domestic support for President Bush and United States action
against al Qaeda following the September 11 attacks.
proceed to
to do / with + 名词
The old man took a drink from his cup and proceeded with his story.
engage in
engage in 从事于, 忙于
He was busily engaged in painting the furniture.
engage to 订婚
David is engaged to Ann.
be engaged with 忙于...
They are engaged with the study of music.
preemptive 抢先的,先发制人的
a preemptive attack
doctrine 政策,主义 / 学说
Darwin's doctrine of evolution 达尔文的进化论
allegation 主张,断言
His allegation that his team would win was finally proved.
unprecedented 空前的,史无前例的
China is experiencing unprecedented economic growth now.
dissent 持不同意见
intelligence 情报
jihad 圣战
Some national leaders alleged of abuse by U.S. troops
and called for the U.S. shut down detention centers
in Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere.
Dissent from, and criticism of,
President Bush's leadership in the War on Terror
increased as the war in Iraq expanded.
In 2006, a National Intelligence Estimate expressed the combined
of the United States' own intelligence agencies,
concluding that the Iraq War had become the "cause celebre for
and that jihad movement was growing.
Some national leaders alleged of abuse by U.S. troops
and called for the U.S. shut down detention centers
in Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere.
Dissent from, and criticism of,
President Bush's leadership in the War on Terror
increased as the war in Iraq expanded.
In 2006, a National Intelligence Estimate expressed the combined
of the United States' own intelligence agencies,
concluding that the Iraq War had become the "cause celebre for
and that jihad movement was growing.
dissent 持不同意见
She disagrees with him on everything.
intelligence 智力
intelligence quotient 智商
美国的中央情报局 CIA
the Central Intelligence Agency of the U.S.
jihad 圣战
The Bush Administration proceeded to assert a right
and intention to engage in preemptive war, also called preventive war,
in response to perceived threats.
This would form a basis for what became known as the Bush Doctrine.
The broader "War on Terror", allegations of an "axis of evil",
and, in particular, the doctrine of preemptive war,
began to weaken the unprecedented levels of international
and domestic support for President Bush and United States action
against al Qaeda following the September 11 attacks.
Some national leaders alleged of abuse by U.S. troops
and called for the U.S. shut down detention centers
in Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere.
Dissent from, and criticism of,
President Bush's leadership in the War on Terror
increased as the war in Iraq expanded.
In 2006, a National Intelligence Estimate expressed the combined opinion
of the United States' own intelligence agencies,
concluding that the Iraq War had become the "cause celebre for jihadists"
and that jihad movement was growing.