日期:2012-03-09 11:41


I could have whooped his ass, but this gravel, I slipped on it... 阿爸,我没法痛扁他 都是因为这堆碎石头害我滑倒
Yeah, well, maybe you need to do a few more butt flexes. 也许你该多锻炼你的屁屁
Cheap shot, Dad. 阿爸,你好低级
So fresh and so clean. 清新又舒爽
Hey, Alexa, did you hook up with that girl from the bar? 你那晚在酒吧有上那个妞吗?
I chickened out. Really? 我打了退堂鼓 真的?
Yeah, I don't know. I guess I prefer sausage to taco. 我想我喜欢香肠,不爱蛤仔
What? Yeah. No, I agree, buddy. 怎样? 我同意
Get out of here. Run for the hills. 快逃吧
Let me ask you something, Alexa. 我问你个问题
If you promised a girl' s dad that you wouldn't see her... 要是你答应一个美眉的老爸 你不会再见她了……
...would you consider that a binding promise? 你会认真守信吗?
Absolutely. Yeah? 当然 是吗?
Then again, there are always ways around such things. 但诅咒也是有办法破解的
Like? For example... 比方说? 比方说……
...if I promised a woman's father I would not see her... 要是我答应她老爸我不见她……
...I would simply shut my eyes while she serviced my manhood. 她帮我吹箫时,我就闭眼装瞎
That's actually a cool way to look at it. 那样做不错
And a very gross way. 不过有点低级
He asked me not to go to the Hukilau. I'm not going there. 他要我别去小吃店,我就不去
I'm not doing anything wrong. 我才不会犯错咧
Sorry to bother you. I'm kind of stuck here. 抱歉打扰你,我抛锚了
Car trouble? Yeah. You mind giving me a jump? 车子出状况? 借个电发车吧?
Okay. 好了
Appreciate your time. 谢谢你帮忙
Not everybody would have stopped. 不是每个人都会跟你一样
You're real sweet. Oh, yeah. Thank you. 你真好心 谢谢
I can't believe you fell for that. 你不会这么好骗吧
Well, my grandfather died trying to jump-start a car. 我爷爷就是这样被电死的
I'm sorry. I was just joking around. 对不起,我是开玩笑的
I can't believe you fell for that! 你不会这么好骗吧!
Oh, my God. 老天
That was very good. 你演技真好
My name's Henry. I' m Lucy. 我叫亨利 我是露西
Nice to meet you. You look like a nice... 幸会,你看起来是个好……

  • hookn. 钩状物,勾拳,钩 v. 钩住,弯成(钩装),当妓女
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • appreciatevt. 欣赏,感激,赏识 vt. 领会,充分意识 vi.
  • graveln. 碎石 v. 铺碎石,使困惑
  • botherv. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心 n. 烦扰,麻烦,焦急
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a