日期:2009-11-11 17:54










On Halloween weekend, movie audience are moved to scream, and that’s a good news for the producers of one of the movies, the top of the box offices right now, Paranormal Activity, it was cheap to make, and was bringing in big box, so what makes frightening flix such good
business, NBC’s Miguel Almaguer explains.
Let me see here.
No liberty, no me.
It was what movie goers want.
My hand’re shaking, ‘cuz I’m really scared.
It was so many expected in this Halloween, a frightening love affair with horror, the cold classic Halloween, it was over 30 years old. Movie studios count on achieving wills to bring in big box.
Takes Sore, a serial killer who dreams up in a better way to murder his victims. It’s now when the system’s storming. And it would make one of the most successful franchises in movie history.
There was the built-in audience, and that in this time of year, once to go to the movies, and they want to be scared, this film delieverd out.
It’s not just blood bastard they can make a fortune, even though most major films have a big studio behind them, when it comes to an old fashion scare, it doesn’t cost millions to make millions.
Peter thinks there is something in the house of that room.
People might be right.
This expensive #, Paranormal Activity, cost only 15,000 dollars to make, but it’s made nearly 17 millions since it was released in September.
In a new marketing forum, the studio used the internet to generate buzz asking fans across the country to demand screaming in their hometowns. Soon cities like Orado, Ost and Chicago have sell-out shows.
They have to find it, you can’t sell it.
John Penny and Jeffrey Obrow know a finger toward horror movies, they made Bram Stoker’s the Mummy, in 1997.
It is the same, as a rule course right, it’s a general and a rush.
And that would keep drawing knows long line this weekend, the only scaring in the movies is haw much money they’ll make.
For Today, Miguel Almaguer, NBC, Hollywood.


a frightening love affair with horror
frightening 动词frighten的现在分词,意思为“令人恐惧的, 令人害怕的”,如:

Please call your dog off .It's frightening the children.



除了frighten,还有一些表示情感的及物动词如:excite, discourage, disappoint, encourage, inspire, interest, move, please, puzzle, surprise, worry这类,这些动词-ing或-ed分词形式都可以当形容词使用,用作表、定、状或补语。这两种分词主要体现语态的不同。现在分词有主动意味,含有“具有某种特性”的意思;而过去分词有被动意味,含有“受到影响而感到……”的意思。

In Aswan, there are plenty of interesting places to visit. 阿斯旺有许多值得一去的地方。
Some people whose lives are full are always interesting to talk to. 有些人的生活经历丰富,与他们交谈总是令人感兴趣的。

If I can find you any support, would you be interested? 假如我能为你找到资助,你会有兴趣吗?


The woodcutter was standing next to a fallen tree. 那个樵夫站在一棵伐倒的树旁。

fallen leaves落(在地上的)叶(比较:a falling leaf一片正在飘落的树叶)

boiled water(煮)开(过的)水(比较:boiling water沸腾着的水)
the risen sun升得老高的日头(比较:the rising sun初升的太阳)


  • screamn. 尖叫声 v. 尖叫,大笑
  • fortunen. 财产,命运,运气
  • classicn. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家 adj. 第一流的,
  • woodcuttern. 樵夫;划木者;木版雕刻师
  • bastardadj. 私生的,错误的,混蛋的 n. 私生子,混蛋
  • puzzlen. 谜,难题,迷惑 vt. 使困惑,使为难 vi. 迷
  • discouragevt. 使气馁,阻碍
  • frighteningadj. 令人恐惧的,令人害怕的 动词frighten的
  • encouragevt. 鼓励,促进,支持
  • disappointv. 使 ... 失望