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日期:2012-03-28 16:57



There's only 15 here. The rest will come.这里只有15基尼 剩下的会给你
You know by rights I could take this farm back today, don't you? And I'm a great believer in my rights.你知道我有权今天就收回农场吧 而且我对我的权利向来很看重
It will come. If you drank less beer and bought fewer horses, you might be able to look your landlord in the eye, Narracott.会交给你 你要是少喝点酒 别乱买马 说不定你就有正视你的地主了 纳拉科特
I said I'll pay you. We're going to plant the bottom field.我说了我会给你钱的 我们会耕种那块低处的地
The bottom field's rock hard. Only stones down there.低处那块地可是不毛之地 那里只有石头
No. We're going to plow it. Just give me till the autumn. I'll pay every penny I owe you, will interest.不 我们会犁好地的 宽限到秋天 我一定会把欠你的钱都付清 包括利息
How are you going to plow it? Not with that fancy animal of yours. He'll do it. You'll not get that one in a harness, let alone pulling a plow,你怎么犁 用那匹中看不中用的马?他能行的 那马连马具都套不上 更别说犁地了
even drunk on a Tuesday night. You know that. And I can't wait for the money, there's a war coming.你就算再醉 也清楚这一点 而且我也等不及 战争就要来了
I promise you that field will be plowed. We'll plant it with turnips. The money will be yours when harvest comes.我向你保证 那块地会犁好的 我们会在那儿种上萝卜 等丰收的时候你的钱就有了
Please, sir. Please. Very well. If that fancy plows that field, I'll give you till October to set things straight.求你了 先生 求你了 好吧 如果这马能犁地 我就放宽限到10月份
What if he doesn't? I'll take the horse on the day he fails. And I'll take your father's farm,要是他不犁呢? 那我当天就会来把马牵走
and give it to working men who can hold their pints and hold their heads high in decent company.把地租给饮酒有度 而且足够体面的人
No, please. Sir, you can't do that. Now, now, lad. What? Are you bladdered as well?不 求你了 先生 你不能这么做 这这这 怎么了?你也喝醉了?
Ted Narracott, I've got you down in my book.泰德·纳拉科特 我可记在账上了


1. look in the eye 直视;正视

Never look in the eye when all you do is lie.

Look her in the eye, and tell her how proud you are of her.

But how could she when she couldn't even look James in the eye?

2. let alone 更不必说;听任;不打扰

I don't even use the refrigerator, let alone the microwave.

No minister is present to represent the taxpayer, the consumer or the environment, let alone the fish.

Competition was so fierce for new listings that they had trouble getting a glimpse of them, let alone being allocated shares.

3. What if 假使……将会怎么样

What if the Greeks are right?

What if the operation fails?

But what if there is nothing to find?


战马 War Horse
导演: 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格
编剧: 李·哈尔 / 理查德·柯蒂斯
主演: 杰瑞米·艾文 / 汤姆·希德勒斯顿 / 艾米丽·沃森 / 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 / 大卫·休里斯 / 托比·凯贝尔 / 大卫·丹席克 / 埃迪·马森 / 彼得·穆兰 / 大卫·克劳斯 / 尼尔斯·阿莱斯楚普 / 李奥那多·卡劳
类型: 剧情 / 战争
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语 / 德语
上映日期: 2011-12-25(美国)/ 2012-02-28(中国大陆)
片长: 146分钟
又名: 雷霆战驹(港)

  1914年,在德文郡小镇,男孩艾尔伯特(杰瑞米•艾文 Jeremy Irvine 饰)目睹了幼驹乔伊的诞生。在集市上,它被频繁叫价,最终被艾尔伯特的父亲泰德(彼得•穆兰 Peter Mullan 饰)用30基尼的天价收入囊中,跛脚的他也因此得罪了地主。艾尔伯特与乔伊尽情嬉戏,与朋友分享。然而,好景不长,地主登门拜访,称如果乔伊不能犁地将立刻将其带走,于是泰德赌上了全部家当。于是,艾尔伯特在逼迫之下,为乔伊套上了鞍蹬,强迫它犁地,甚至还使用了皮鞭,却不能让它屈服就范。为了还债,泰德亲自上阵犁地,功夫不负有心人,辛苦换来了收成,但是一场大雨毁了一切。德军来袭,父亲被迫将马变卖给骑兵军,换了30基尼。艾尔伯特虽然难以割舍也只能含泪送别乔伊踏上了前途未卜的战场。战争中,乔伊的主人不停在变,从英国上尉,法国老农与孙女,到德国骑兵,然而它真正等待的是艾尔伯特,他们能够重逢吗……

  • refrigeratorn. 冰箱
  • harnessn. 马具,系在身上的绳子,甲胄,安全带 vt. 束以马
  • decentadj. 体面的,正派的,得体的,相当好的
  • plown. 犁,耕地 vt. 耕犁, vi. 用犁,费力前进,
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • competitionn. 比赛,竞争,竞赛