Should College Education Be Vocation-Oriented?
Due to the increased enrollment of college students in recent years, the total number of graduates coming out at the same time is such that many college graduates have difficulties in procuring jobs, especially when the economy is suffering slowdown. And then many scholars suggest that colleges should lay emphasis onvocational training by setting relative courses in the college curriculum so that graduates are more likely to be employed. Taking the employers’ requirement into consideration, that is, working experience, the suggestion seems reasonable. However, I think, even if universities become vocational-oriented, it can not serve well for the employment. Besides, the vocational orientation will do harm to the higher education.
Firstly, the suggestion seems to be based on the fact that new college graduates may have learned mountains of theories but lack practical abilities. In accord with this suggestion, if college students have received enough vocational training and gained experience in internship, they are likely to get employed. Admittedly, self-improvement is crucial for new graduates to hunt jobs. But the suggestion does not take into account job vacancies in the present. Though China’s economy keeps growing at a rate of about 9% in the recent and the number of jobs does increase, too many graduates coming out at a time will create great pressure for the job market. As an official stated, “the grand college enrollment plan is one of the main reasons for the current unemployment issue”. Therefore,even if college students have enough experience and skills, will they succeed in procuring jobs when there are no positions available at all?
。根据这样的建议,如果大学生接受了职业化教育,并在实习过程中获得了许多的经验,那么,他们很有可能找到工作 。毋庸置疑,对于应届生而言,自我发展对于找工作尤为重要 。但是,这样的建议并没有把眼前的工作空缺考虑进内 。尽管,中国最近的经济速率保持在9%左右,就业机会也大大增加,毕业生将会为市场增加更多的压力 。就像官方所说,”扩招是目前失业的主要原因之一” 。所以,即使学生拥有足够的经验和技能,但是,当没有工作空缺时,他们还会找到工作吗?Secondly, vocational orientation is to the detriment of the higher learning in the long term. Let us beginwith the difference in goals between university and vocational training. As college students may decide tofinish his studies after graduation or may continue at a higher level,university courses should thus provide both basic knowledge and a sound basis for further studies. In vocational training, the goals of a given course are distinct, that is, the course is designed to teach trainees basic knowledge and skills. In consequence, if universities are vocation-oriented, students at college can not get prepared in class for a higher level of learning. Predictably, the pyramid of higher learning will crumble if universities can notproduce enough qualified students.
。让我们先从大学和职业教育的不同说起 。毕业之后,许多应届生会寻找工作,或是继续进行学习,大学课程应该既教授基本知识,也要为将来的学习做好基础 。在职业教育中,课程学习的目标将会不同,即,课程的目的是教授学生基本的知识和技能 。所以,如果大学是以职业培训为主的教育,那么,大学生就没办法为更高一级的学习做准备 。人们可以预想到,高等教育的金字塔将会倒塌,前提是,如果大学没办法产生更多高质量的学生的话 。In conclusion, vocation-orientation may help improve graduates’ skills but it can not increase the numberof available positions.The suggestion just offers a wrong remedy, and will do harm to the higher learning.
。这样的建议是行不通的,并将损害高等教育的发展 。译文属可可英语原创,未经允许,不得转载 。