日期:2012-05-29 09:03


Matthew and Marilla
But when she arrived back at Green Gables, Anne knew at once that something was wrong. Matthew looked much older than before.
'What's the matter with him? 'Anne asked Marilla.
'He's had some heart trouble this year, 'replied Marilla. 'He really isn't well. I'm worried about him. '
'And you're not looking well, Marilla, 'said Anne. 'Now you must rest, while I do the housework. '
Marilla smiled tiredly at Anne. 'It's not the work, it's my head. It often hurts, behind my eyes. I must see the doctor about it soon. But another thing, Anne, have you heard any-thing about the Church Bank? '
'I heard it was having a difficult time. '
'All our money is in that bank. I know Matthew's worried about it. '
The next morning a letter came for Matthew. Marilla saw his grey face and cried, 'What's the matter, Matthew? '
Anne, who was bringing an armful of flowers into the kitchen, saw his face too. Suddenly, Matthew fell to the ground. Anne dropped her flowers and ran to help Marilla. Together they tried everything, but it was too late. Matthew was dead.
'It was his heart, 'said the doctor, who arrived a little later. 'Did he have any bad news suddenly? '
'The letter! 'cried Anne. 'Shall I see what's in it? Oh Mar-illa, look! The Church Bank has had to close down! Your money, and Matthew's, has all gone! '
Everybody in Avonlea was sorry to hear that Matthew was dead. For the first time in his life, Matthew Cuthbert was an important person.
At first Anne couldn't cry. But then she remembered Matthew's smiling face when she told him about the Avery prize. Suddenly she started crying and couldn't stop. Marilla held her in her arms and they sobbed together.
'Crying can't bring him back, 'whispered Marilla. 'We'll have to learn to live without him, Anne. '
In the next few weeks Anne and Marilla worked hard together on the farm and in the house. Everybody in Avonlea was very kind to them, but it was a sad time.

  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • kitchenn. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间