亲历历史希拉里回忆录(MP3+中英字幕) 第31期:搭船出海放松心情
日期:2015-12-14 14:55


Bill returned to a house thick with silence. Chelsea spent most of her time with our friends Jill and Ken Iscol and their son, Zack. They offered their home and hearts for my confused and hurting daughter. And then Walter Cronkite called and coaxed the three of us to come out on his boat for a sail.



We didn't want to go at first. But Walter and his wife, Betsy, had a comforting attitude about the people who were calling for Bill's head and criticizing me for putting up with him. "This is just unbelievable," Walter said. "Why don't these people get a life? You know, I've lived long enough to know that good marriages go through tough times. None of us is perfect. Let's go sailing!"


We took him up on his offer. Although I was too numb at that point to say I relaxed, it was refreshing to be out on the open water. And the Cronkites' kind concern lifted my spirits.


Maurice Templesman, who came to Martha's Vineyard every summer, was also wonderful to me. I had gotten to know him even better since Jackie's death, and he visited us in the White House. He called and asked if I would come by. We met on his yacht one evening and watched the lights of boats coming into the harbor at Menemsha. He talked for a while about Jackie, whom he missed terribly, and told me he understood how hard her life had been at times.


  • relaxedadj. 放松的, 松懈的,随意的 relax的过去式(
  • confusedadj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu
  • numbadj. 麻木的,失去知觉的,无动于衷的 vt. 使 .
  • yachtn. 游艇,快艇 vi. 驾快艇
  • harborn. 海港,避难所 vt. 庇护,心怀,窝藏 vi. 进
  • silencen. 沉默,寂静 vt. 使安静,使沉默