日期:2009-08-03 10:57



Please choose a correct answer for each question.

1. What is Roberto's problem?

A) the butcher has sold out of chicken

B) the butcher can’t deliver the chicken for tonight

C) the butcher delivered beef instead of chicken

2. Which dish did Roberto intend to cook?

A) Thai chicken curry

B) Indian chicken curry

C) Italian style chicken

3. Who would the angry guest like to speak to?

A) the hotel manager

B) the restaurant manager

C) the chef
Roberto: Marina, I cannot work like this! I’m going to quit! This is crazy! I think of all the things that could go wrong, they have all happened.

Marina: What is it Roberto? What’s up? The electricity is back on, it was just due to a faulty drill blowing the fuse, so what’s the problem now?

Roberto: What’s the problem? This is the problem - the butcher called, he cannot deliver the chicken for tonight’s dinner - their delivery van was in a traffic accident, nothing serious they say, ha! Nothing serious for them but for me, this is serious! I have 150 people to feed, how can I feed them when the main ingredient is not here? Why me? Why the chicken? Non e’ possibile! Mamma mia! Che pizza! (The three Italian expressions in English: It's not possible! My goodness! What a mess! )

Marina: Okay Roberto, we’re going to have to think on our feet here. We’ve still got the fish option right?

Roberto: Yes, but we need something else!

Marina: Well, what can we use as a substitute? I’m sure we can think of something…

Roberto: There is nothing, Marina, I think we cannot call it Thai chicken curry if we don’t have any chicken in it!

Naomi: Eh, sorry, I couldn’t help hearing what you were saying, ehm, I may be able to help you…

Roberto: How? How can you help? Are you going to pretend to be a chicken now? Are you going to volunteer to be the chicken substitute?

Naomi: Eh no but I am a vegetarian, have been for years, and I think I can help adapt the dish so it’s just as tasty even without the...ehm, main ingredient…I do it all the time with recipes.

Roberto: My Thai chicken curry with no chicken, eh? Okay Naomi, let’s try it. I will listen to the vegetarian waitress tell me how to cook my food.

Marina: Great, that’s great. Thanks both of you! I’m sure it’ll be delicious. Now I’ve got to check the refrigerators but I will be back later…

(In the restaurant)

Male diner: What?! What do you mean you don’t have the Thai chicken curry?

Naomi: I’m afraid sir that, although it’s on the menu, it’s not available tonight. The fish dishes are still on of course and instead of the chicken curry, we can offer you a selection of…

Male diner: Well that is ridiculous, why do you print a menu with dishes you don’t serve! I find it absurd. I think I need to speak to your chef… call him here at once…

Naomi: (to herself) Oh dear, this could end in tears...
quit (v.) - to leave a job or to stop doing something 辞职
If I don't get a pay rise I'll quit.
若不给我加薪, 我就不干了.

faulty (adj.) - something that does not work properly or correctly有缺点的;不完美的
We traced the trouble to a faulty transformer.

blow the fuse - if something blows a fuse, it means that too much electricity has run through a device and caused the fuse (a thin safety wire) to break, which in turn would stop the device from working. 烧断保险丝

fuse (n.) - this thin wire acts as a small safety part in a piece of machinery or an electrical device. If a device receives stronger electric current than it can bear, the fuse will stop the device from working. 保险丝,熔线
A short circuit will blow the fuse.

deliver (v.) - to send something to a destination 运送
We deliver (your order) to your door! 我们送货上门!
A courier delivered the parcels (to our office). 送急件的人将包裹送来(送到我们办公室)了.

van (n.) - it is a medium-sized road vehicle which is usually used for carrying goods 有盖小货车;箱形客货两用车
Furniture is usually moved in a van.

ingredient (n.) - in preparing dishes, an ingredient is a food that is used with other foods. (烹调用的)材料, 原料, 成分
the ingredients of a cake
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.

think on your feet (exp.) - to decide something quickly 思维敏捷,反映迅速

substitute (n.) - a person or thing that takes the place or function of another代替﹑ 替换或代理的人或事物; 代替者; 代理人; 代用品
The manager was unable to attend but sent his deputy as a substitute.
经理不能出席, 派了个副手代表他.
This type of vinyl is a poor substitute for leather.

volunteer (v.) - to offer to do something without being asked to自愿地或无偿地给予或提供(帮助﹑ 建议等)
She volunteered (her services) for relief work.

vegetarian (n.) - a person who does not eat meat because of health or religious reasons 素食主义者

adapt (v.) - to change something to fit different conditions使某事物适合於新的用途, 情况等; 修改某事物
This machine has been specially adapted for use underwater. 这机器是为水下使用而特别改装的.
These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes. 这些式样均可改动以适应个人不同的爱好.

recipe (n.) - usually including a list of required ingridients, a recipe is a set of instructions telling people how to prepare and cook a dish烹饪法;食谱;(糕饼等的)制作法
I'd like to have your recipe for cookies.
1. B

2. A

3. C

  • bowln. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场 v. 打保龄球,
  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的
  • faultyadj. 有错误的,有缺点的
  • functionn. 功能,函数,职务,重大聚会 vi. 运行,起作用
  • optionn. 选择权,可选物,优先购买权 v. 给予选择
  • butchern. 屠夫,刽子手,肉商,小贩 vt. 屠宰,滥杀,将某
  • recipen. 食谱,秘诀,药方
  • deliveryn. 递送,交付,分娩
  • vinyln. [化]乙烯基
  • deputyadj. 代理的,副的 n. 代表,副手