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古典:Joshua Payne - Remember Yesterday
日期:2010-01-20 00:43



歌曲Remember Yesterday

艺人:Joshua Payne


所属专辑:Your Love, My Home


风格:Classical Crossover

相关介绍:Joshua Payne生下就先天失聪,幸好幼年手术成功听力恢复了大半。为了训练他的听力,手术后他父母在家不断播放各种类型的音乐,好让他浸淫在音乐的环境里自然康复。与此同时Joshua的父母发现他们的儿子拥有一副天生的好嗓子,因此就鼓励Joshua参加教堂及学校里的合唱团,Joshua最早的歌唱生涯就此开始。此后他就以这得天独厚的天赋战胜了先天的听障,为自己的人生道路以及乐团增添了一个传奇。大学毕业后他赢得多项古典乐大奖,后来为了生计在餐厅工作、演舞台剧。尽管如此,他依然没有放弃成为歌手的目标,直至有天遇到监制 Michael Omartian并深得其欣赏,一颗闪亮的星星就此诞生。


Song:Remember Yesterday
Artist:Joshua Payne

Nothing ever lasts for long
I can't believe the time is gone
I've tried all I know to say
I can't give up on yesterday

Searching all my life
Finding love to make it right
Loving you I found a way
Take me back to yesterday

And love, learning how to hold the time
And knowing you I've come to find
That even if we let it slip away
It won't be long
Love will remember yesterday

Giving over to the sand
A solid room to hold you in
Promises my love to stay
But I won't give up yesterday

And stretching out across the miles
Horses running in the wild
Beckon the moon to keep you safe
Don't give up on yesterday

And love learning how to hold the time
And knowing you I've come to find
That even if we let it slip away
It won't be long
And I know it won't be

Nothing ever lasts for long
I can't believe the time is gone
I've tried all I know to say
Love will remember yesterday
I can't give up

