日期:2010-04-23 13:54



S: you are an early bird, Tom. What do you do in the morning then?

T: exercise. The morning hours are the most precious period within a single day. We should not pass them up easily. Seize the time and do something useful.

S: so, you choose to spend it on bodybuilding. Where do you exercise?

T: usually, I run to the Black Bamboo Park as a warm-up. Admission is free. Then I start my activites.

S: do you do the same exercises every day?

T: no, I've deliberately kept a balance between various exercises: parallel bars, push-ups, sit-ups, bunny-hops, five-kilometer run, and so on. I alternate them over the weekdays. Sometimes, when I find myself in a bad state, I will simply idle about in the park.

S: why don't you just stay in bed when you feel unfit for exercising?

T: It's not easy to keep a good habit, you know. I fear that if I fail to get up early one day, I may find it still more difficult to rise early the next. Besides, a mere walk in the early morning is much fun, too. Here and there in the park, you meet whole gangs of senior citizens who might be singing operas or old songs, playing er'hu, chess, or just chatting and gossiping. It's interesting to join them.

S: oh, yes. Singing is also a good way of keeping fit, at least mentally.




Early bird: 早起者
In the business world, remember: the early bird gets the worm. 身在商业界,切记:早起的鸟儿有虫吃.
He's quite an early bird. 他是个早起者.

Warm-up: a short practice or a series of gentle exercises that you do to prepare yourself for doing a particular sport or activity (体育运动等前的)适应性活动,准备活动;热身练习
He swam ten lengths of the pool as a warm-up. 他在游泳池里游了五个来回作为热身活动.
warm-up exercises 热身练习

admission: the amount of money that you pay to go into a building or to an event 入场费;门票费
admission charges/prices 入场费/票价
£5 admission 入场费 5 英镑
What's the admission? 门票多少钱?

Alternate: to make things or people follow one after the other in a repeated pattern 使交替;使轮流
Alternate cubes of meat and slices of red pepper. 交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片.
Alternate cubes of meat with slices of red pepper. 交替放置肉丁和红辣椒片.

Idle: to spend time doing nothing important 混时间;闲荡;无所事事
They idled the days away, talking and watching television. 他们天天在闲聊和看电视中消磨时光.
They idled along by the river(= walked slowly and with no particular purpose). 他们沿着河边闲逛.

Unfit: not capable of doing something, for example because of illness (因病等)不能做某事,不宜做事
He's still unfit for work. 他还不宜工作.
The company's doctor found that she was unfit to carry out her normal work. 公司的医生认为,她不宜从事正常工作.

pass something↔up: to choose not to make use of a chance, an opportunity, etc. 放弃,不要(机会)
Imagine passing up an offer like that! 真想不到居然放弃人家提供的大好机会!

  • preciousadj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,矫揉造作的 adv. 极其地
  • paralleladj. 平行的,相同的,类似的,并联的 n. 平行线(
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • wormn. 虫,蠕虫 v. 蠕动,驱虫,慢慢探听出 n.
  • capableadj. 有能力的,足以胜任的,有 ... 倾向的
  • gentleadj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的
  • senioradj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的 n. 年长
  • alternateadj. 交替的,轮流的,间隔的 v. 交替,轮流
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • deliberatelyadv. 慎重地,故意地