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视频歌曲:Find My Way Back To My Heart 世界最美女声
日期:2008-08-27 09:45


艾莉森克劳丝&联合车站绝赞天籁Find My Way Back To My Heart


兰草天后Alison Krauss(艾莉森·克劳丝)从出道之始就是乡村歌曲乐界闪亮并被期待的一颗新星,在14岁那年与Rounder唱片公司签约,16岁时与美国乡村音乐最重要的独立唱片公司 Rounder 签约,发行的第一张个人专辑,立刻成为乐评家的最爱。18 岁首度获得葛莱美奖,之后又继续获得无数乡村音乐奖项,其中包括 11 项葛莱美奖,总总的荣耀应该都是因为她从小苦学古典小提琴、民谣小提琴及歌唱技巧。

乐评家均认为 Alison Krauss和Union Station 从 80 年代末至 90 年代中,将草根蓝调音乐从地方性音乐带领成为全世界均能接受的乐风,在乐坛占有举足轻重的地位,多次被评为世界最美的女声,坐拥 11 座格莱美奖,代表歌曲包括 When You Say Nothing At All 和《冷山》中那首动人的 The Scarlet Tide 等等。在和“联合车站”乐队的合作后,Union Station 的 Bluegrass 威力又把她往前推了一把,让已经拥有翅膀的Alison 又添加一道光环。

至于与她搭档的Union Station(联合车站)合唱团,与Alison Kraussu间的合作也超过10年以上,四名成员分别是担任合唱团主唱以及木吉他演奏的团长Dan Tyminsky,和另外三名团员Barry Bales、Ron Block、Jerry Douglas。由于主唱Dan Tyminsky具有十分浑厚的嗓音,并且在他个人的演唱生涯中,也获得过乡村歌曲演唱奖项的肯定,他与Alison Kraussu也有相当精采的对唱演出。两人间的默契让歌曲的情感有更完整的抒发。更重要的是音乐歌曲相当好听,绝对不容错过。


I used to laugh at all those songs
`bout the rambling life, the nights so long and lonely
Well, I ain\'t laughin\' now
Now that I\'m caught up, it seems
In all the same ambitious dreams
That only lonely life allows

And the home I don\'t go home to
The friends I don\'t see
Aren\'t the part of this life
That endears it to me

If that\'s the price I have to pay
For doing things my own way
Then it\'s what I\'ll have to do somehow

Till I find my way back to my heart
For there\'s no one but me\'s gonna take my part
It\'s too early to say that it\'s over
Or to find we can make a new start
It\'s too early to say
Till I find my way back to my heart

I thought at least we\'d meet again
Since we have been the best of friends and lovers to each other
Meet again and speak our minds
Force no issues, turn no blind eye
Toward the road that lies ahead

But it seems that I missed you
By a coast and a song
When time gets so short
"So what?" turns to "so long"

I cannot keep your love inside
It\'s a flame I cannot hide forever
In the name of hanging on


I used to laugh at all those songs
`bout the rambling life, the nights so long and lonely
