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视频歌曲:What It Is
日期:2008-07-05 14:12



The drinking dens are spilling out
There\'s staggering in the square
There\'s lads and lasses falling about
And a crackling in the air
Down around the dungeon doors
The shelters and the queues
Everybody\'s looking for
Somebody\'s arms to fall into
And it\'s what it is
It\'s what it is now
There\'s frost on the graves and the monuments
But the taverns are warm in town
People Curse the government
And shovel hot food down
The lights are out in the city hall
The castle and the keep
The moon shines down upon it all
The legless and asleep
And it\'s cold on the tollgate
With the wagons creeping through
Cold on the tollgate
God knows what I could do with you
And it\'s what it is
It\'s what it is now
The garrison sleeps in the citadel
With the ghosts and the ancient stones
High up on the parapet
A Scottish piper stands alone
And high on the wind
The highland drums begin to roll
And something from the past just comes
And stares into my soul
And it\'s cold on the tollgate
With the Caledonian Blues
Cold on the tollgate
God knows what I could do with you
And it\'s what it is
It\'s what it is now
What it is
It\'s what it is now
There\'s a chink of light, there\'s a burning wick
There\'s a lantern in the tower
Wee Willie Winkie with a candlestick
Still writing songs in the wee wee hours
On Charlotte Street I take
A walking stick from my hotel
The ghost of Dirty Dick
Is still in search of Little Nell
And it\'s what it is
It\'s what it is now
Oh what it is
What it is now


Mark Knopfler 是Dire Straits(恐怖海峡)的主音吉它兼主唱,是乐队的灵魂人物,可以说,这个乐队是他个人情感的宣泄。 Dire Straits(恐怖海峡)乐队融合了爵士与民谣,表演质朴而有内涵,让我们在电声音乐中还能感受到许多传统音乐的温馨,他们作品可以说张张是精品,是新音乐中比较具有特色的一支乐队。乐队的作品基本上出于Mark Knopfler的手笔,Mark是一位才子型人物,他不仅有出众的吉它演奏技巧,而且十分自信且很有观念,他力求做真正的完美音乐家而不是一位娱乐界的明星。在老一辈的吉它手中,仍旧痴情于吉它创作和钻研的似乎只剩 Mark Knopfler 一人了,其他的大师或多或少的都转移了精力:Jimmy Page 潜心致力于弦乐的编配,Eric Clapton 接连不断的出了一张又一张的精选 (抢钱?),Jeff Beck 和 Joe Satriani 开始了电子化的趋向,Gary Moore 好象人间蒸发了一般没有音讯,只有Mark Knopfler保持了相当水准和质量的创作力,基本每2年出一张电影原声或专辑,使得我们有幸再闻他的风采,在此向他表示敬意。
