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视频歌曲: I Don't Care-Ricky Martin
日期:2008-09-08 12:20



I don't care by Ricky Martin

i don't care, i just wanna be yours
i know i told you i'd
never love you the way that i did again
after all that you did to me
but i got to say
i don't care, i just wanna be yours
and i am tryin' everything in my power
to never ever say
please come back to me
but i got to say
you promised me
we'd always be
you'd never let me go
you took the ring and all the things
that came with being my girl
a tragedy as i walked through that door
he had your feet up over the seat
all i heard was screaming
it was like a movie
too real to me
that just can't be my bride to be... no!
i was shocked as could be
never thinkin' one day
i'd take this blow blow blow
i was startin' to feel like
i should kill everything that was moving....whoa!
i've never been in hell like this
somebody wake me up
i don't care, i just wanna be yours
i know i told you i'd
never love you the way that i did again
after all that you did to me
but i got to say
i don't care, i just wanna to be yours and
i am tryin' everything in my power
to never ever say
please come back to me
but i got to say
the crazy part was that he
just kept going
'cause she was the only one
that had noticed me
staring into the eyes
that i will one day call my babe
how could i've fallen so in love
with someone i'd known for years
and not even know that
she'd be the one
to reveal my worst my fears
it was like a movie
too real to me
that just can't be my bride to be... no!
i was shocked as could be
never thinkin' one day
i'd take this blow blow blow
i was startin' to feel like
i should kill everything that was moving....whoa!
i've never been in hell like this
somebody wake me up
i don't care, i just wanna be yours
i know i told you i'd
never love you the way that i did again
after all that you did to me
but i got to say
i don't care, i just wanna be yours and
i am trying everything in my power
to never ever say
please come back to me
but i got to say
i didn't mean to do
all those things to you
tell me what to do to make it up to you
i'll do everything, anything that you want me to.
i didn't mean to do, oh
all those things to you
tell me what to do, oh, to make it up to you
i'll do everything, anything that you want me to
fat joe
should i leave, should i go, should i break apart
my mama said you would break my heart
i can't believe you were sleazing, you're a slut, a ho
now you wanna have a change of heart ╟ damn!
who'd have thought
that you would deceive me
love of my life
and my queen like evie
and you didn't even tell me you leavin'
i had to hear about it on escandalo tv
now who's this man creeping in the back door
while i'll hit him with the fo fo fo


1971年12月24日出生于波多黎各San Juan地区的Ricky Martin,从小就在学校参与过许多戏剧演出,同时也是学校合唱团一员的Ricky,在六岁以前便已开始以童星身份接演一些电视广告,逐渐培养出他对表演事业的高度兴趣,并进而养成面对镜头毫不怯场的大将之风,此外,他也透过一些演戏与歌唱的训练课程,进而使得他的天赋得以滋养茁壮。虽然他的父母在他2岁时就已离异,但他们对于Ricky的演艺事业都抱持着同等支持的肯定态度,而Ricky在家乡波多黎各的生活,仍如同其他出身中产阶级家庭的孩子一般平凡。



在结束那段长达一年的充电期后,Ricky旅行到了墨西哥,并开始参与戏剧的演出,包括了音乐剧《Mama Ama El Rock》及电视剧《Alcanzar Una Estrella II》..等,其中电视剧《Alcanzar Una Estrella II》的主题曲并由Ricky所演唱,而《Alcanzar Una Estrella II》的成功,也促成同名电影的诞生,Ricky更因电影中Pablo一角,赢得一座"Heraldo"奖项(相当于美国的奥斯卡奖)。此外,在着重于戏剧演出期间,Ricky也和《Alcanzar Una Estrealla II》戏里的演员们合组了一支叫做"Munecos de Papel"的合唱团,并曾创下一场演唱会吸引到六万五千人次前往观赏的纪录!让Ricky了解到音乐是其注定要走的路,更成为其个人演唱生涯的滥觞。 接下来的故事就是众所周知的了。

以个人姿态重新进军歌坛的Ricky Martin,迅速地在全球掀起一片流行狂潮。1991年,Ricky推出了他的首张个人同名专辑"Ricky Martin",获得了热烈的回响,并在墨西哥、智利、阿根廷、波多黎各以及美国等地共获得8张金唱片。值得一提的是,其在Menudo时期的队友Robi Rosa (常以"Ian Blake"为笔名)亦自此辑开始为Ricky量身打造作品,逐渐成为他音乐事业上不可或缺的核心战友及最佳伙伴! 1993年,由拉丁乐界著名制作人Juan Carlos Calderon鼎力制作的第二张专辑"Me Amaras"顺势发行,成绩更胜前作,使Ricky Martin跻身拉丁美洲超级巨星之林,而其前两张专辑的销售也以共创150万张的销售纪录! 1994年,Ricky参与了在北美播出的电视连续剧《General Hospital综合医院》的演出,使得他的知名度在英语地区大幅增加,而Ricky在美国虽是以演员身份为人所熟知,但同时,他的歌唱天赋也并未被埋没,因为Ricky在《General Hospital综合医院》连续剧里所饰演的角色Miguel Morez,平日在酒吧是个酒保,一到周末就摇身一变成为驻唱歌手。

“这个角色对于音乐、学校、朋友..等,很多东西都抱持着高度兴趣,他最痛恨的就是不平之事。”Ricky在描述这个跳脱美国电视节目长期以来对波多黎各裔所抱之成见的角色时如此表示。Ricky在《General Hospital综合医院》中的突出表现,更进一步地让他因而获邀演出改编自法国大文豪雨果名著的百老汇舞台剧《Les Miserables 悲惨世界》。Ricky在剧中饰演主角之一的Marius,场场爆满的演出加上剧评界纷沓涌至的好评,又为这位歌唱与演技都极为优秀的艺人创下一页缤纷纪录。 1995年底,第三张个人西班牙文专辑、也是Ricky音乐生涯的重要关键作品"A Medio Vivir生活告白"发行。此辑是由Robi Rosa及KC Porter(Bon Jovi, Boyz II Men, Richard Marx, Patti LaBelle)所制作,其中收录的歌曲呈现多元化风貌,除了众所周知的“Maria”外,还有一些抒情歌曲以及热情拉丁舞曲。
