1、 开口就说 Open your mouth
Cut me some slack. 放我一马吧/饶了我吧。
Don’t let your father down. 不要让你的父亲失望。
2、 学来就用 Let’s practice
May I speak with Marry Li, please?
我能和Marry Lin通话吗?
Who’s calling?
My name is Peter Wang, and I interview with her two days ago.
我是Peter Wang,2天前我和她面谈过。
This is Marry Li.
我是Marry Li。
Hi,Mrs Li.This is Peter Wang, I just wanted to call and thank you for letting me interview for the accounted position the other day.
你好,李小姐。我是Peter Wang,我打电话来道谢,你几天前你让我面试会计师的职位。
You’re welcome Mr. Wang,
I was also wondering what the status is of the position.
We have narrowed it down to you and two other candidates.
This is Marry Lin, and I’m calling to thank you for the interview yesterday.
我是Marry Lin,我打电话来是谢谢你昨天面试我。
You’re certainly welcome. I’m very impressed by your skills.
Great.Do you have any questions we did not cover in the interview?
How soon did you say you could start?
Next week. I’ll be making a decision by the end of the day.
I look forward to hearing from you.
3、 天天进步 Make progress everyday
a.Have you got settled in?你已经适应了吗?
b.The jet lag has ward off.时差已经消失了。
c.I need to get my name out.我必须要让别人知道我的名字。
d.That would be fantastic.那太好了。
e. I would really appreciate it.我将感激不尽。
A:Have you got settled in?
B:Yes.The jet lag has ward off.
A:What are you plans?
B:I need to get my name out there to the local businesses.
A:My cousin is in an ad agent.He knows lots of people.Do you want me to have him call you?
B:That would be fantastic.
A:I'll call him this morning and set up the appointment for you.
B:Thanks a lot.