1、开口就说 Open your mouth
Do you have a car? 你买车了吗?
card n. 卡片
open book 开卷;open notes 开卷
2、 学来就用 Let’s practice
former boss: 前任老板
What would your former boss say about you?
She would say I am a dependable hard worker.
May we contact her?
Do you have any idea what your former boss would say about you?
I think he would say that I added a lot to his business and he is sorry to see me go.
Why are you leaving?
I need more opportunity for career growth.
What would your former boss say about you?
She will say that I was a good employee.
What else?
That always came through for her in the band.
3、天天进步 Make progress everyday
观光 tour
a. I can arrange a tour for you.我可以为你安排观光。
b. Welcome to ……欢迎来到……
c. That sounds great! 那太好了!
d. Leave a message for me. 给我留言。
e. Enjoy your stay! 玩得开心。
f. What are the best spot to see?最好的观光景点在哪儿?
g. Are there guided tours for tourist? 有专门为游客服务的导游团吗?
h. Let me show you the sights.让我带你四处看看。
A:Welcome to Taiwan.
B:Thank you. I just arrived last night.
A:You have to see the sites.
B: I'd love to,but I 'm not famiiar with this city.
A:I can arrange a tour for you if you are interstred.
B: That sounds great!Leave a message for me at the hotel.
A:I'll arrange that today. Enjoy your stay!