英国学生科学读本(MP3+双语字幕) 第47期:人类的朋友(1)
日期:2016-11-09 17:51


Lesson 47 Our Friend The Dog
第47课 狗——人类的朋友

The dog has a long pointed nose or muzzle. If a dog's nose feels cold and wet, this shows that he is quite well; when he is ill, his nose feels hot and dry.
狗的鼻子又长又尖, 学名叫“口鼻部”, 狗在健康的时候, 鼻尖是又湿又冷的;病了, 鼻子就变得又热又干。
Under the loose skin of the dog we can feel his strong backbone, and also the muscles or lumps of flesh by which he moves his legs and all the other parts of his body.
狗的皮肤比较松弛, 皮肤下面, 我们能摸到强壮的脊椎骨, 还有大块的肌肉, 狗就用这些肌肉, 活动四条腿, 也活动身体的其余部分。
The dog has five toes on each of his fore-feet, but only four toes on each hind-foot. Each toe has a strong nail or claw, with which the dog can scratch and dig in the ground. Perhaps you have seen him digging a hole, and burying in it the bones which he has not finished eating.
狗的每条前腿上都有五个脚趾, 但是后腿上只有四个脚趾。每个脚趾都长着一个坚硬的“指甲”或者“爪”, 狗可以用爪子抓地、刨地。也许你见过狗在地上挖洞, 把没吃完的骨头埋在洞里。
The cat has sheaths or cases into which it draws back its claws when they are not wanted. The dog has not. For this reason, a dog's claws are never sharp like those of the cat.
猫在不用爪子的时候, 可以把爪子缩回到“爪鞘”或者“爪套”里面, 这个部分的学名是“球套”。狗却没有这个部分, 所以狗的爪子始终不会像猫一样锋利。
The dog cannot walk so quietly as the cat; for although his feet have soft pads under the toes, the points of the hard claws strike against the ground, and make a noise when he walks or runs.
狗走路的时候, 不像猫那么安静, 因为狗的脚尽管也有软垫, 但也是硬硬的爪尖会碰着地面, 狗在走动或者跑动的时候就会发出声音。

  • striken. 罢工,打击,殴打 v. 打,撞,罢工,划燃
  • clawn. 爪,钳,螯,爪状物 v. 抓,撕