躺着学英语2(MP3+中英字幕) 第1期:第66号公路
日期:2015-07-03 11:29


I'm in an auto camp on Route 66 just west of Gallup. New Mexico. If I tell it, perhaps it will help me. It will keep me from going, going crazy. But I got to tell this quickly. I am not crazy now - I feel perfectly well, except that I am running a slight temperature.

我在新墨西哥州盖洛普的西边,第66公路旁的一处汽车营区过夜。我说这些,也许可以帮帮我,免 得我变成了疯子。可我必须快点说出来,因为我此刻 还没有疯。除了有点发烧外,人安然无恙。

My name is Ronald Adams; I'm thirty-six years of age, unmarried, tall, dark with a black moustache. I drive a 1940 Buick, license number 6Y175189.1 was born in Brooklyn. All this I know.

我叫朗诺得o亚当斯,今年三十六岁,未婚,高个子,皮肤黝黑,蓄黑胡须。我开一部一九四?年份 的别克汽车,牌照号码是6Y175189。我在布鲁克林出生。我知道的就是这些。


I know that I'm at this moment perfectly sane, that it's not me who,s gone mad, but something else, something utterly beyond my control. I've got to speak quickly. At any moment the link may break. This may be the last thing I ever tell on earth- the last night I ever see the stars.

我知道此刻的我完全是正常的,并不是我疯了, 而是别的什么,我自己无力控制的。我得赶紧说出来,不然这关联可能就会断了。这次也许是我在地球上所说的最后一件事--也是我看到星星的最后一个夜晚。
