热力节奏:Banaroo - Space Cowboy
日期:2018-10-10 07:08


歌曲Space Cowboy



所属专辑Banaroo's World




相关介绍: Banaroo是个德国的流行乐队,他们的几首单曲曾经在德国,瑞士等国取得过很好的成绩。

Song:Space Cowboy

Doo doo b doo be doo (8x)

Spacecowboy i just wanna fly

Right up to the sky

Spacecowboy i just wanna fly to the sky

I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo

Right up to the sky

I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo

Take me to the sky

Grab your hat grab your coat yes were gonna take a ride

To end of the universe do u wanna ride

We will speed through the galaxy

Never looking back

Now let your travels begin

Just release and relax, it s a new experience

Put your hand in the air as the engine starts to spin

There is no holding back, it s the perfect consequence

Lets watch the magic begin

Free your heart free your mind, on this journey you will find

Secret truth to unfold, if u really want to ride

Press the gas, Step in gear

Now our rockets gonna fly

Leave your troubles behind

Close the door, turn the key if u wanna ride with me

There will be no escape once we reach the count of three

Press your thumbs, let us run, yes it s gonna be a blast

I see the stars in your eyes

As we soar through the universe

We just fly, we just fly to sky

So high to the sky

Spacecowboy i just wanna fly

Right up to the sky

Spacecowboy i just wanna fly to the sky

I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo

Right up to the sky

I just wanna fly,doo doo be doo be doo

Take me to the sky


  • universen. 宇宙,万物,世界
  • unfoldv. 展开,开放,显露
  • releasen. 释放,让渡,发行 vt. 释放,让与,准予发表,发
  • escapev. 逃跑,逃脱,避开 n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃避)方法、
  • soarvi. 翱翔,高飞,猛增,高涨,高耸 n. 翱翔,高飞的