"Snook! —Snook!" went the cub as he sniffed at the milk. But he did not drink it.
来来,斯努克!熊宝宝走了过来嗅了嗅牛奶 。但是没有喝 。
"Here! It's good!" said Ethan. Then he put his finger into the milk and held it near the cub's nose.
来!这可是好东西!伊桑说 。后来他把手指放进牛奶中,再把手指放到熊宝宝的鼻子旁 。
The hungry little fellow licked and licked the boy's finger.
饥饿的小家伙舔了又舔伊桑的手指 。
"What a baby you are!" laughed the boy. Then suddenly he thought of something.
真是个小宝宝!伊桑笑着说道 。突然他想起一件事 。
On his brother's table he found an ink dropper that the Captain had brought with him to fill his pen.
他在哥哥的桌子上找到一个墨水滴管,是哥哥用来给笔加墨水的 。
Ethan took the rubber cap off and made a tiny hole in it.
伊桑取下了橡皮帽,在上面扎了个小孔 。
Then he found a small bottle in the cupboard and filled it with milk.
接着他又在橱柜里找到了一个小瓶子,把瓶子里装满牛奶 。
Last of all, he put the rubber cap on the little bottle of milk.
最后他又把小奶瓶装上了橡皮帽 。
"Here is your bottle, Snooks," said the boy, putting the rubber into the bears pink mouth.
斯努克斯,这是你的奶瓶,伊桑边说边把橡皮帽放进了小熊粉红色的嘴里 。
The cub held the bottle in his paws, shut his eyes, and drank.
熊宝宝用小爪子捧着瓶子,闭上眼睛,喝着牛奶 。
How happy Ethan was to see the bear's tiny sides filling out.
看着熊宝宝的小身体慢慢鼓了起来伊桑非常开心 。
When the bottle was empty, the little fellow rolled over and went to sleep.
瓶子里的奶喝完了,小家伙在地上翻了个身睡着了 。
Gently Ethan took him in his arms, put him in a chair, and covered him up.
伊桑轻轻地用胳膊抱起它,把它放在椅子上,又给它盖上了被子 。
"Well, well," said the Captain when he came home in the afternoon. "What have we here?"
下午哥哥回来了,啊!这是什么?他说 。
He touched his finger to the little bear's black nose.
他用手指碰了碰小熊黑色的鼻子 。