一、Listen and Think 先声夺人
Serena:Dan, hey.
Dan:I-I-I was in the neighborhood...uh, give or take 70 blocks. I just wanted to tell you in person that, uh, the end of last night may have not been my finest hour. There was a, uh, a wave.
Serena:I-I-I, saw that,
Dan:Yeah, yeah, and since then, I've just been wondering, uh...are you hungry?
Serena:Yes. Actually, I've had the worst morning.
Dan:Well, you...you wanna...you wanna talk? And eat? Not necessarily in that order.
Serena:Yes, I would love to do both, but, food first, because I'm starving.
Dan:你想,想谈谈吗? 然后一起吃饭?不是非要先谈再吃。
Serena:好,两样都要, 但先吃吧,我饿死了。
二、Listen and Learn 内容透析
1. Neighborhood:附近,街坊。In the neighborhood表示“在附近”。比如:Our house is the biggest in the neighborhood.我们的房子是附近最大的。Neighborhood committee:居委会;街道委员会。
2. Block在这里指的是街区。它作名词还可以表示“障碍物”,比如:The car successfully bypassed the block.汽车顺利地绕开了障碍物。Block作动词表示“阻塞,阻止,限制。”如:During rush hour, the traffic jams block the roads for half an hour.在繁忙时间,路上的交通会阻塞半小时。
3. In person:亲自。I can't wait to meet you in person!我等不及要见你本人了!Mary, you're prettier in person than in the photos.玛丽,你本人比照片中漂亮。注意它与"in the person"的区别,in the person指的是“以……的资格”。比如:He spoke in the person of Xinhua News Agency.他代表新华社讲话。
4. Fine有很多意思。作形容词它可以泛指“好的”,比如剧本中的“finest hour”是指“最好的时刻”。Fine还可以用来形容事物“精美”,“fine antique”就是指“精美的古董”。用来形容天气时,fine指的是“晴朗的”。It is a fine day.
5. 这是晴朗的一天。Fine作名词最常见的意思是“罚款”,例如:He paid $100 fine because he drank beer in a public street.由于在公共马路上喝啤酒,他缴了一百元罚款。
8. “饿”的表达:I'm hungry. I could eat a horse./I’m famished.I’m starving./My stomach is growling./My stomach is eating itself.