本文是经典爱情电影对白系列The Lake House(湖边小屋,又叫“触不到的恋人”)的第二段对白,Alex正在工地忙碌,Mona来找他。
Mona:Alex! I made my famous spinach pie. The trailer's nice and toasty.
Alex:I can't.
Mona:Look, it's really cold out here. Don't get sick on me or anything.
Alex:I never get sick.
Mona:So I heard you bought a house, and apparently I'm the last one to know.
Alex:I thought I mentioned that.
Mona:Wait. Where?
Alex:Outside of town. Up the shore a little bit.
Mona:Up the shore? There's no houses-- Oh, God. You don't mean that thing with the stilts and the--?
Alex:You all right?
Mona:Yeah. Are you crazy? Why would you take that house, Alex? It's made of glass. There's no privacy.
Alex:Get yourself some boots.
1. my famous spinach pie:最拿手的
2. get sick:生病
3. I'm the last one to know. :似乎Mona在埋怨Alex没有告诉她买房子的事情,因为她是最后一个知道这件事情的。
4. privacy:美国人最注重隐私,而Alex却买了一套四面都是玻璃的房子,Mona认为那房子没有隐私。
5. Get yourself some boots:Alex的原意是让Mona上工地应该穿双那种工地的靴子,免得把鞋子弄脏了,而Mona理解成自己只穿了双单皮鞋,Alex关心自己,怕自己冻着,让自己买双靴子穿,结果还真去买了双靴子,搞的Alex哭笑不得。