Beijing residents are allowed not to wear face masks outdoors, according to the latest guideline issued by Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control on Thursday.
wear face masks是佩戴口罩。
指引指出,市民在户外活动(outside activities)时可不佩戴口罩,当与同伴以外的人(with the exception of their partners)近距离接触(in close contact)时,需佩戴口罩。
市民前往体育场所(sports venues)应遵守相关规定(follow the rules),获得许可后方可进入(get permission before entering)。
儿童在监护人陪同下外出活动,监护人(guardians)应注意儿童的个人卫生(personal hygiene),如使用公用玩具和设施(play with shared toys and facilities)应注意手卫生,提醒儿童在游戏等活动中,不要用手触碰口、眼、鼻。
户外活动时不随地吐痰(spit on the ground),打喷嚏或咳嗽时用肘部或纸巾遮掩(use a tissue or their elbow to cover their mouths while sneezing and coughing)。口鼻分泌物(oral and nasal secretions)或吐痰时用纸巾包好,弃置于垃圾箱内(throw into the dustbin)。
回家后要及时清洗双手(wash their hands as soon as they arrive home)。