A housing loan application submitted by a man in Zhengzhou, Henan province was recently rejected — a not altogether unusual occurence. However, what sets this man's case apart is the reason his loan was denied: because Wu Jianping has no arms, creditors claimed they could not give him a loan since he was unable to be fingerprinted.
housing loan是住房贷款。
今年26岁的吴建平在5岁时遭到电击(electric shock),失去了双臂。他可以用嘴咬着笔签字(write his signature)。但是,他因为不能按手印(provide fingerprints),在申请贷款(apply for a loan)时被多家银行拒绝。
银行工作人员称,他无法摁手印,相关手续没有法律效力(legally binding),无法为其办理贷款。
银行工作人员表示,并没有法律明确规定必须按指纹(fingerprinting)才能发放贷款,但这是所有银行都默认的行规(common practice):“政府的手续当中,按手印作为一种默认的方式。因为字迹是可以模仿的(imitated),手纹绝对不可能模仿(there is no way to copy a fingerprint)。”
这起事件在网上引发了广泛的指责(trigger widespread criticism),许多网友认为在这种情况下要求按手印并不合理(unreasonable)。
目前多家银行表示愿意为其办理贷款。同时,郑州房管局(housing management bureau)表示,可以为像吴建平这样有特殊需求(special needs)的人提供绿色通道(a special path)。