日期:2015-02-16 08:58
















Dozens of whales die in New Zealand beaching


The operation to save them has been unstinting. In the end it's proving a losing battle. By Saturday afternoon more than 100 of the pilot whales stranded on this beach at Farewell Spit in New Zealand were dead.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) UNIDENTIFIED VOLUNTEER RESCUER SAYING: "It's kind of heartbreaking a little bit at first, but then, you just kind of have to power through and do what you can for them because they need help."


In total almost 200 pilot whales have beached at Farewell Spit. Media reports say it's the worst stranding in the area in 15 years. The rescuers were hoping to get the surviving whales back into the water later on Saturday in what's become a deadly race against time.



Denmark's PM says country on high alert after "terror" attack
哥本哈根发生恐怖袭击 丹麦高度警戒


Denmark is on high alert after what the Prime Minister says was a "terror" attack. Police say a masked gunman sprayed bullets into a Copenhagen cafe and meeting room, killing one man and wounding three police officers. Police later said shots were also fired at a synagogue in the Danish capitol, adding it was too early to know whether the incidents were directly related. Police say the cafe attack targeted the main speaker at the event, artist Lars Vilks. His cartoons of the prophet Mohammad depicted as a dog stirred controversy in 2007 and brought threats over his life. Sweden's security police say bodyguards were with Vilks when the shooting happened. Witnesses say one or more gunmen tried to shoot their way into the venue before guards returned fire. Police say a gunman escaped in a car that was later found and have released photos of the suspect still at large. The cafe was hosting a cultural event called "Art, Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression." The French ambassador to Denmark was also there and later compared the shooting to the attack on a satirical weekly in Paris last month that left 12 people dead. One eyewitness told Danish media the shooting started even before the Ambassador had a chance to give the floor over to Vilks. Other witnesses said on Twitter that 20 to 40 shots were fired from an automatic weapon.
丹麦总理称发生了“恐怖”袭击后,全国上下高度警戒36^g#weBeUEsF。警方表示,一名头戴面罩的枪手走进哥本哈根一家餐馆和会客室开枪扫射,造成1人死亡,3名警察受伤y**Fufs+@-q=Io9^PQ22。随后,警方表示,丹麦国会一家犹太教会堂也发生了枪击事件,目前判断这两起事件是否有直接关系还为时过早%n;j7DKWJdP^&w0HM^MB。警方表示,餐馆袭击的遇难者是该活动的主要演讲者,艺术家拉尔斯·维尔克斯(Lars Vilks)@ptCCLoyo23eZ2@DR0aJ。他创作的用狗来描述先知穆罕默德的漫画在2007年引起争议,自己的生命安全遭到威胁V5taY=E9^FWr。瑞典安全警察表示,枪击事件发生时维尔克斯的保镖就在他身旁HQY]uX-h|&Z5H。目击者表示,一名或多名枪手试图开枪杀入会场,随后警卫开枪还击O@N4*bz^0zO33r2fw-。警方表示,一名枪手乘车逃走,车辆随后被发现O!E.o,M_Gw1,!r;。警方公布了仍然在逃的嫌疑人的照片+Mr.mzf]G.j_。该餐馆当时正在举办一场名为“艺术,亵渎和言论自由”的文化活动B=0r=AbEJ0s9rew&#-Dg。法国驻丹麦大使也在活动现场,随后将这次枪击事件与上月巴黎讽刺性周刊遭遇袭击造成12人死亡的事件进行对比9Mzi)uv]5%l29s+f。一名目击者告诉丹麦媒体,法国大使还没有把讲堂交给维尔克斯,枪击就开始了Iu@N1MZp*42[。其他目击者在推特上表示,凶手用自动武器开了20至40枪8OQ(QPn+ieXg2N4IQ-(W



Greece pledges to shut immigrant detention centers


A detention center for illegal immigrants in Athens, Greece. A 28-year-old Pakistani man was found hanging here overnight in an apparent suicide. Now, Greece's new left-wing government is pledging to shut these centers down. The Deputy Interior Minister visited this particular site on Saturday and said Greece is finished with immigrant detention centers. Instead, he said, the government will set up "open" reception centers with better facilities. Rights groups have long criticized centers like this one as being inhumane. The United Nations has accused Greece of holding migrants in shocking conditions -- without heat, without hot water. This site was designed to house displaced people after natural disasters. The detainees hold a banner that reads "You can't keep killing" and they shout the word "freedom" to reporters outside. For thousands of mostly Asian and African migrants each year, Greece is a major gateway into the European Union. The former conservative-led government arrested thousands of undocumented migrants, as anti-foreigner sentiment went on the rise during the country's economic crisis.





Nasdaq hits 15-year high


Thursday's after hours earnings report included: CBS, owner of the most watched TV network, reporting better-than-expected earnings results including higher revenue thanks to its Thursday night football broadcasts. A winner and a loser in gaming: Candy Crush maker King Digital came in with an earnings and revenues beat, and announcing a stock buyback and special dividend. But game maker Zynga with a revenues miss, disappointing monthly active users, and lowering guidance. Major U.S. market indices closed sharply higher, with the Nasdaq hitting a new 15-year high on good news from abroad shrugging off disappointing domestic economic data. The ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine and new stimulus measures from Sweden's central bank pushed the Dow, S&P 500 and the Nasdaq higher. New claims for jobless benefits rose more than expected last week. But consumers cut spending in January as retail sales edged up 0.1 percent, according to the Commerce Department.LIM College's Michael Londrigan: SOUNDBITE: MICHAEL LONDIGRAN, DEAN OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS, LIM COLLEGE (ENGLISH) SAYING: "I think, they may be paying down debt. I think, you know, the normal household has accumulated a fair amount of debt over the past several years because of the economy, the recession, people still feeling some of that in the mid level, and I think they are paying it down." Expedia is buying rival Orbitz Worldwide for about $1.38 billion in cash. This is Expedia's third acquisition in four months as it tries to compete with its larger rival Priceline Group. Shares of both companies soared. Dow component American Express saw its shares move lower after Costco announced it will stop accepting American Express cards at its stores next April. European markets closed to the upside after hitting multi-year highs as investors reacted to the Ukraine peace deal, Swedish stimulus and optimism regarding a Greek debt deal.





Palace Museum updates hours for Spring Festival


The Palace Museum has made some adjustments to its opening hours. With the Spring Festival approaching, many people are planning to visit the most famous museum in China. The museum has released its hours for the holiday season.


Opening hours will be from 8:30 am to noon on the Chinese New Year's Eve. On Chinese New Year's Day, the museum will be open from noon to 4:30 pm. No new visitors will be admitted 50 minutes prior to the closing time. Up to 25 ticket windows will be open, but visitors are advised to pre-order tickets online.


The Palace Museum was built in the 15th Century BC. It's also known as the Forbidden City, serving as the home of emperors and their households for almost 500 years. It was listed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, and houses an extensive collection of art work and artifacts from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

  • dividendn. 红利,股息,意外之财,彩金,被除数
  • pilotn. 飞行员,领航员,引航员 vt. 领航,驾驶,向导
  • illegaladj. 不合法的,非法的 n. 非法移民
  • unstintingadj. 慷慨的;大方的;无限制的
  • relatedadj. 相关的,有亲属关系的
  • controversyn. (公开的)争论,争议
  • extensiveadj. 广泛的,广阔的,广大的
  • academicadj. 学术的,学院的,理论的 n. 大学教师,
  • eyewitnessn. 目击者,见证人
  • satiricaladj. 讽刺的,爱挖苦的