每日视频新闻:新浪微博美国上市 开盘便遭当头一棒
日期:2014-04-21 08:19









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U.S. Navy assists with S. Korean ferry recovery efforts


Strong tides and murky South Korean waters are hampering search and rescue efforts. But the U.S. Navy is lending a hand. At least 32 people are known to have died when a ferry capsized on Wednesday. But over 200 people are still unaccounted for... mostly students. The USS Bonhomme Richard is an amphibious assault ship. It has reportedly been assigned a search area five to 15 nautical miles from the shipwreck site. Meanwhile, some relatives of the missing children offered DNA swabs to help identify the dead. The rescue has turned into a mission to recover the ship and the bodies of those on board.
韩国海域汹涌的水流和浑浊的海水阻碍了搜救工作92e*reT%1QnN^。但是美国海军伸出援助之手r,&PO]&YaonRN|。周三,一艘客轮沉没,目前已证实至少32人死亡M+6NGxPugeGzwo.@[e。但是超过200人仍然失踪,其中大部分是学生x3!.Ox3@vlqssC0AhHW。 好人理查德号航空母舰是一艘攻击舰DtnweH3IpNR177e。据报道,这艘航空母舰接受任务搜索事发地点周围5至15海里的范围m-,n=,jO,fY!p8dw#C。同时,失踪学生的亲属提供了DNA样本,帮助确认死者身份LeFwYgwBEK)(tGy_nY。搜救工作已经进入拯救船只和寻找船上遇难者尸体的阶段W(Isf9;pYXO-R+3@jr



Security threat reported on Detroit-Denver Delta flight


It looks like a normal scene at baggage claim. But this comes after an usual turn of events at Denver's airport Friday. Delta Airlines flight 1500 from Detroit was directed to a remote taxiway after a "potential security threat" was reported onboard. 151 passengers were quickly evacuated from the plane without their carry-on luggage. They were taken to a separate part of the airport and interviewed by FBI officials. There were no reports of injury. Authorities later said the threat was probably not credible.



Man arrested after reports of gunman in LA Times building


One man is arrested following reports of a gunman inside the Los Angeles Times building late Friday night. Police swarmed the building after reports that a man had threatened to open fire on the third floor. The Times said on Twitter that the suspect was believed to be in his 20s. They said he was not an employee of the newspaper. There were no reports of injuries or shots fired. And police said no gun was recovered.


CCTV9:新浪微博美国上市 开盘便遭当头一棒



Weibo US listing expected stronger performance
新浪微博美国上市 开盘便遭当头一棒


After a chill-out period a few years ago, Chinese companies are now coming back to the United States to go public. More than a dozen Chinese companies have filed so far. Micro-blogging giant Weibo has started trading in the U.S., but things haven’t gone quite as planned.


Executives at Weibo celebrate the company's first day of trading on the NASDAQ in New York. But the listing got off to a rocky start. Investors bought fewer shares - and at a lower price - than Weibo had hoped. The company raised 286 million dollars in the offering. That's a little more than half of what the company was targeting. Analysts like Echo He at Maxim Group says investors are worried about growing competition from text and messaging app WeChat.


Weibo's number of monthly active users continues to grow. In March it had 143 million, but WeChat now dominates with more than 355 million. Another potential risk for Weibo investors is strict internet regulations by the Chinese government.


But the timing of Weibo's U.S. offering was also less than ideal and that likely had an impact. The IPO market was red hot at the beginning of the year, but in recent weeks the majority of U.S. IPOs have priced below or on the low end of their range and many are trading below their IPO price.


That wasn't the case with Weibo. Its shares closed 19 percent higher than its IPO price. Analysts believe in the long run Weibo could be a good buy.


Josef Schuster, founder of IPOX Schuster said, "You want to look at it as a diversification play in a portfolio that should include Facebook, Twitter and probably Tencent and others."


While the pricing of Weibo's IPO may have been a disappointment for some, the pop in the secondary market is a good sign for Chinese tech IPOs.





China's central gov't cuts travel, vehicles, receptions budget


Since taking office, China's new leadership has always put frugality as its work priority. The Ministry of Finance has recently published the central government's expenditures on trips, cars and receptions in 2013, as well as the budget for this year.


According to the Ministry of Finance, China’s central government expenditures on overseas trips, vehicles, and receptions stood at nearly 7.2 billion Yuan or 1.1 billion US dollars in 2013, a 3.6 percent drop from the previous year.


Spending on vehicle purchases and maintenance accounted for 60 percent of the total, while overseas travel accounted for 24 percent. The central government also spent some 1 point 2 billion yuan on receptions.


Li Yan, Director of Gov't Budget Institute, Central Univ. of Finance and Economics, said, "The ministry is publishing these expense figures annually, because in the past, there have always been problems and questions on these spending categories. Now the government aims to cut unnecessary spending, and put that money towards more important matters, such as supporting people's livelihoods."


The ministry has cut this year's budget for trips, vehicles and receptions to 7.151 billion yuan, 10 percent less than the budget set for last year. Experts say, cutting numbers is not the only goal.


Li said, "We need to establish a long-term mechanism and a standardized system to regulate government expenses. It should meet the needs of government functions, and at the same time be open to public supervision."


Experts also say, expenses of local governments need to be trimmed. But cutting expenses is not only the job for financial administrations, but needs the joint effort of all related government departments.

  • regulatevt. 管理,调整,控制
  • unnecessaryadj. 不必要的,多余的
  • recoveryn. 恢复,复原,痊愈
  • frugalityn. 节俭,俭省
  • rockyadj. 岩石的,像岩石的,坚硬的,麻木的,困难重重的
  • instituten. 学会,学院,协会 vt. 创立,开始,制定
  • assaultn. 攻击,突袭 vt. 袭击,突袭
  • competitionn. 比赛,竞争,竞赛
  • suspectn. 嫌疑犯 adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的 v. 怀疑
  • luggagen. 行李