日期:2014-12-12 10:57
















Amnesty International collects signatures for justice


A mural in Mexico City, blackened with the signatures of some 3400 people, stands as a tribute to the 43 student teachers who were abducted and feared murdered more than two months ago. Through their "if you sign it wont be forgotten" campaign, Amnesty International obtained more than 120,000 signatures from around the world to demand justice for the missing students. Executive Director, Perseo Quiroz.
墨西哥城一座墙壁上写满了大约3400人的签名,向两个多月前被绑架,可能已经被谋杀的43名实习教师致敬kYwUEcah*3L4J=wFnZ。通过他们的“签名他们就不会被忘记”活动,国际特赦组织从全世界搜集了超过12万条签名,要求为失踪学生伸张正义RibHl*W1%UNA。执行理事Perseo Quiroz发表了讲话p(d1^%BJiAg1!8ta@zQb


(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL MEXICO, PERSEO QUIROZ, SAYING: "Jail for the masterminds (is not enough).We have to investigate all the links there could be. All the public servants who by action or omission, are responsible for this unfortunate event as well as the other disappearances there have been in this country."
国际特赦组织执行理事Perseo Quiroz:“仅仅拘捕主谋是不够的0e@q.FUMuC。我们必须调查所有可能参与罪案的人员A7Lx#_sG@faf2731。所有参与犯罪或渎职的公务人员都应该对这起不幸事件以及这个国家发生的其他失踪事件负责ir@;F0)YDr!ebt。”


Authorities have confirmed the identity of at least one of the missing teachers. A government investigation into the case says the teachers were abducted by corrupt police in the southern state of Iguala, then handed over to drug lords who murdered them. The handling of the case has drawn public criticism and prompted massive sometimes violent demonstrations. But the issue has also brought to light the country's serious problem of impunity and corruption and has posed the biggest crisis yet for President Enrique Pena Nieto since taking office in 2012.More than 100,000 people have been killed in gang related violence since 2007.
当局已经确认了其中至少一名失踪实习教师的身份n~(E(vi8*P。政府对该案件的调查显示,这些实习教师在南部伊瓜拉州被腐败的警察带走,随后被移交给谋杀他们的贩毒团伙lHB=@tW#Mc~hdDm。对该案件的处理引发了公众的批评,导致大规模的暴力示威活动Q1DMpQ@QR7izF*。但是该事件也凸显了墨西哥免罚和腐败等严重问题,导致总统裴纳尼托(Enrique Pena Nieto)面临自2012年上台以来最大的危机3Ue*HB34&rIulJ73。自2007年以来,已有超过10万人死于团伙暴力On3IwAH-4i



Large crowds turn out for Palestinian statesman's funeral


At the Presidential compound in Ramallah ... thousands gather for a final goodbye to a Palestinian statesman. Minister Ziad Abu Ein was killed on Wednesday when an Israeli border patrolman struck him in the neck. It happened during a standoff at a small village in the occupied West Bank … where Abu Ein and about a hundred others had come to plant olive trees in protest of Jewish settlements. On the streets of Ramallah… the mood is somber.
在拉马拉总统府,数千人聚集在一起告别一名巴勒斯坦政治家fswPOUE]0k+]UJ。周三,阿布艾因(Ziad Abu Ein)的脖子被一名以色列边境巡逻人员击中,重伤身亡(|ih-)*]yFV@;eOV3R。事件发生在被占领的西岸一个小村庄的对峙中,阿布艾因(Ziad Abu Ein)和其他100人来这里种植橄榄树抗议犹太定居点mJVpUl=TYC,N-!。拉马拉街道上的气氛非常肃穆SZV7jquT]|Ji9I8*&w[


(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) RAMALLAH CITIZEN, OSAMA SAMI, SAYING: (AUDIO AS INCOMING) "They keep killing us and as you can see how they have killed the martyr Abu Ein. They keep us under siege."
拉马拉公民OSAMA SAMI:“他们不断杀戮我们,你可以看到他们怎样杀害了烈士阿布艾因rNQdJoE~M5W。他们一直围困我们NSJdD@Kd+smo2EX。”


Autopsy reports from both Palestinian and Israeli pathologists say the Minister died of a heart blockage caused by hemorrhaging. But that's where their agreement largely ends. The Palestinian doctor says the bleeding was caused by an injury ... His Israeli counterpart says it was likely brought on by stress. Abu Ein had served a life sentence in an Israeli jail over a 1979 bombing that killed two Israeli youths. He was released in a prisoner exchange in 1985. And now, his death is likely to further heighten tensions between Israel and the Palestinians following months of violent unrest.



Fisherman rescued after 12 days at sea


Ron Ingraham's boat is towed back to the Hawaiian island of Molokai, where the 67 year old lives - ending a harrowing trip for the veteran fisherman who was adrift at sea for 12 days.
Ron Ingraham的船只被拖回夏威夷莫洛凯岛——这位67岁的渔民就住在这里rcS@d3smCRikmwqI%。他刚刚结束了在海上漂浮12天的惊险生活zaXj4jFHsV


(SOUNDBITE) (English) RON INGRAHAM, RESCUED BOATER "A row of waves hit me, and the mast hit the water, tossed me out, and knocked down my antenna."
获救渔民RON INGRAHAM:“一个浪头击中我,桅杆落到水面,把我甩出去,打落了我的天线wtPrc|jjst。”


After he placed two distress calls, rescuers searched for him but came up empty after five days. Ingraham sent out one last mayday call Tuesday.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) RON INGRAHAM, RESCUED BOATER "I was just about to give up. My radio was out so I pulled the radio out. The VHF, the antennae up there. Tried to get up there and couldn't so I got a coat hanger and some wire and stuck it in the thing, and got out a garbbled transmission."
获救渔民RON INGRAHAM:“我几乎准备放弃了4)*CU3W|x#a21。我的无线电坏了,所以我把它拿出来,天线向着那边,试图接受信号却失败,所以我拿了一个衣架和一些电线固定在那里,发出传送信号__,]92,E%R=PBen|-!。”


That call led to his rescue - just in time. (SOUNDBITE) (English) RON INGRAHAM, RESCUED BOATER "I was out of water, but I hydrated on fish.I'm a fisherman so I caught fish."
呼救信号让他得以及时获救ruoviYJr4bF&S7。获救渔民RON INGRAHAM:“我没有饮用水了,但是我用鱼来补水LruPp(gH&G&MlYDy!S。我是渔民,所以我会捕鱼2e^LGK2);vNFW6shWQ;2。”


Ingraham says it feels like a miracle to be safely home and the first place he planned to visit to celebrate - was his local bar.






Protest outside NY royal venue
剑桥公爵夫妇观看比赛 纽约人场外抗议


This was one of the latest protests over the choke hold death of a man in New York by a police officer. The demonstration happened outside the venue where the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were watching a basketball game. The demonstrators staged a 'die-in' near the Barclays Center. About 300 broke through police lines at the entrance to the Atlantic Terminal Mall. The protests erupted over a decision not to indict anyone over the death of Eric Garner when police put him in a banned choke hold. (SOUNDBITE) (English) DAMON DAVIS, PROTESTER, SAYING:


"I'm out here in solidarity with these people, for their struggle. It's the same as it is in St. Louis." (SOUNDBITE) (English) GILBERT ROSA,PROTESTER, SAYING: "We tried to do it through legal channels and the legal channels are totally stacked against us. The legal channels are fixed." (SOUNDBITE) (English) JAMES WHITE, PROTESTER, SAYING: "I've been arrested for absolutely no reason and when asking officers of the law why it is they were doing what they were doing they simply put me in handcuffs." Inside the building six basketball players added their voices to the growing protests. They wore t-shirts emblazoned with Garner's final words in the pre-match warm-up for the Cleveland Cavaliers game against Brooklyn Nets The decision in the Garner case came just a week after a grand jury cleared another white officer who shot dead an unarmed Black-American teenager in Missouri.





China's cyberspace admin. chief visits Facebook, Apple, Amazon


Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is again making the headlines here in China, this time for his interest in Chinese books.


During a recent visit by China’s top Internet regulator Lu Wei to Silicon Valley, which included a tour of Facebook’s offices by Zuckerberg himself, who reportedly talked to Lu in Mandarin, Lu was delighted to find on Zuckerberg’s desk an English-language edition of a President Xi Jinping’s book The Governance of China.


And China’s social networks were immediately awash with comments. Many were delighted to see what they construe as an attempt by Zuckerberg to better understand China.


But others questioned whether it was a just another attempt at bettering relations with Chinese authorities.


Lu also met with Apple CEO Tim Cook and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.


Of Apple’s US$37.4 billion sales in the April through June quarter, 16 percent were in China, and Amazon China ranks fourth on the Internet Retailer China 500 list.


While Facebook still has no business in China, it seems Zuckerberg wants very much to change that.

