每日视频新闻:金正恩姑父张成泽被处决 庭审照曝光
日期:2013-12-14 08:20



路透社:金正恩姑父张成泽被处决 庭审照曝光




双11网上购物节 天猫一分钟交易额破亿




奥运火炬历史首进太空 将进行太空漫步







North Korea's execution of Kim's uncle a sign of weakness?
金正恩姑父张成泽被处决 庭审照曝光


The execution of Kim Jong Un's uncle, Jang Song Thaek is the biggest upheaval in North Korea since the death of Kim Jong Il. The official newspaper of the party published a photograph of Jang in handcuffs and being held by uniformed guards,supposedly while on trial. The state news agency said Jang was executed after being found guilty of treason. An expert believes the move was done to further cement Kim Jong Un's hold on power.


(SOUNDBITE) (Korean) PROFESSOR OF UNIVERSITY OF NORTH KOREAN STUDIES, YANG MOO-JIN, SAYING: "Jang Song Thaek's execution was carried out very swiftly, and it is seen as a strategic decision to wrap this case within this year, to show off a Kim Jong Un-centred regime at the beginning of the year, and to accelerate economic development."


North Korean politics are a mystery, and some in South Korea believe the reason behind Jang's execution could be a falling out between him and his nephew, which needed to be controlled. South Korea and the U.S. both said they are closely following the developments.



Snow sweeps across Jerusalem and West Bank


Heavy winds and snow sweep across Jerusalem and the West Bank Thursday. Several schools were closed in Jerusalem and parts of the West Bank. In one ultra orthodox neighborhood, residents are happy to welcome the snow.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) MARTIN LEFTWOODS, JERUSALEM RESIDENT, SAYING: "The weather? It's wonderful out here. We never have to get this, to get this is wonderful. There's no school. We can make snowmen. We can have some fun. We can rest. It's amazing out here."
耶路撒冷居民MARTIN LEFTWOODS:“天气?外面的情况非常好H(-Xqfymyjws_Mo。我们从来没有见过这么美妙的天气q(+OZWf]3cY052llhK。不用上学,可以堆雪人,可以尽情玩耍,可以休息(-2#(K80_pn]。非常棒!”


In Bethlehem, festive scenes as snow falls outside the Church of Nativity. Stormy weather is also hitting Jordan, Lebanon and Syria with temperatures dropping and more predictions of snowfall. In Ramallah, it looks like Christmas has come early as residents gather in snowy, slushy streets surrounding a Christmas tree in the center of town.



Bangladesh executes Islamist opposition leader


Bangladesh executed Islamist opposition leader Abdul Quader Mollah on Thursday (December 12). He was convicted for war crimes committed in the 1971 war of independence from Pakistan. Mollah won a reprieve on Tuesday (December 10) hours before being sent to the gallows, but two days later, the Supreme Court rejected his request for a review of the death sentence. Critics say the tribunal that found Mollah guilty is being used as a political tool by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to weaken the opposition as elections approach. Some activists marched with torches, hailing the court's decision and demanding that Mollah be hanged immediately. The case has divided Bangladesh, and is likely to spark more violent protests less than a month beforeelections.
12月12日,周四,孟加拉国处决了伊斯兰反对派领袖阿卜杜拉·卡迪尔·莫拉(Abdul Quader Mollah)+eXGqG5R=a*bZv。他被判处在1971年的巴基斯坦独立战争中犯有战争罪OSn9h,FG3zg=,q(vuxT。12月10日,周二,被执行绞刑之前,莫拉(Abdul Quader Mollah)获得了缓刑a&[t61qG7FZA。但是两天之后,最高法庭驳回了对死刑判决进行重审的请求1p~smF|-nc1|DLu6bV。批评家表示,认为莫拉被总理哈希纳(Sheikh Hasina)用作政治工具以削弱反对派势力的裁决只是竞选手段d4gWVlibaobS3v。一些积极分子手持火炬游行,赞扬法庭的判决,要求立即绞死莫拉(Abdul Quader Mollah)D~rxh_AP0~6e1(zJ。该案件导致孟加拉人意见不一,在距离选举不到一个月的日子里可能会引发更多暴力抗议活动Y+%ok_KXt5,DR8Li


CCTV:南京大屠杀76周年纪念日 勿忘国耻



Nanjing Massacre Memorial: candlelight vigil was held to mark 76th anniversary
南京大屠杀76周年纪念日 勿忘国耻


Some non-governmental organizations have held testimonial events in Japan about the Nanjing Massacre, to reveal the atrocity to the Japanese people. Survivors have been invited to personally recount their ordeals. Iain McKinnell has the details.


Massacre survivor Wang Jin is now in her 80s. She travelled all the way from Nanjing to Japan’s Kanazawa city, just to tell her story. She was only 6 years old when she saw her father was killed by Japanese soldiers.


"My father was stabbed seven times. After he died, my mother went out to look for his body. Bodies were everywhere, lying on the streets, piled up in caves and houses. My mother searched every possible place to see if our family members were among them," said Wang Jin.


Nanjing witnessed mass murder, massacre and rape following the Japanese capture of the city on December 13th, 1937. Over three hundred thousand people were killed. But some Japanese nationalists and historians have constantly played down the massacre, saying it has been exaggerated, or even fabricated. The testimonial event has attracted many Japanese citizens.


They are shocked by the stories.


"I didn’t expect that there would be so few young people here. I’ve learned so much through this event. In the past, I knew little about this period in history. We don’t learn this in school. I think other students should also come," said a Japanese student.


Some have expressed their discontent towards the Japanese government.


"Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and other politicians have yet to face Japan’s history of invasion. This is really shameful. Abe talks about establishing a beautiful country all the time. I think to accomplish this, he should face the truth, and contribute to world peace through understanding, not weapons. That’s what Japan should do," said a Japanese citizen.


The event has been held every year since 1994. 47 Chinese survivors attended gatherings across Japan, hoping to promote peaceful interaction between the two countries.


CCTV9:年底将至 网购新一轮促销热潮疯狂来袭



New discount offerings, pushing sales before year end
年底将至 网购新一轮促销热潮疯狂来袭


China’s e-shopping fever heats up again. Online retailers are offering a new round of discounts today, known as the "Double twelve's day" sales. This comes just a month after the November 11th Single’s day shopping festival.


Online stores such as Taobao, T-mall, Yihaodian and Jingdong, are all launching massive discounts to firm up their annual sales before the end of the year.


Retail sales growth is projected to stand at around 13% in China for 2013. Some analysts though, expect retail revenue growth to remain weak for the coming months and gradually pick up in 2014.

  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • primeadj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的 n. 青春,壮
  • discountn. 折扣,贴现率 vt. 打折扣,贴现,不重视,不全信
  • cementn. 水泥,纽带,接合剂,牙骨质,补牙物,基石 vt.
  • massn. 块,大量,众多 adj. 群众的,大规模的 v.
  • sparkn. 火花,朝气,情人,俗丽的年轻人 vi. 闪烁,冒火
  • executionn. 执行,实施,处决 n. 技巧,表演,演奏,杀
  • massacren. 大屠杀 v. 大屠杀
  • strategicadj. 战略的,重要的,基本的
  • handcuffsn. 手铐