日期:2014-07-26 11:22











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Officials recover black box recorders at Mali crash site


French troops are on the ground in Mali, securing the site of the Air Algerie plane crash. The death toll stands at 118. More than 50 of those killed were French nationals. In Paris, French President Francois Hollande told reporters that one of the black box flight recorders has already been recovered.


(SOUNDBITE) (French) FRENCH PRESIDENT FRANCOIS HOLLANDE SAYING: "What we know already is that the debris from the plane is concentrated in a limited space, but it is still too early to make any conclusions, but they will come. There are theories, notably about the weather, but we aren't ruling anything out because we want to know everything about what happened."


The plane was heading from Burkina Faso to Algeria when it crashed Thursday in between the northern Malian town of Gossi and the Burkina Faso border. Images from local television revealed the debris field, strewn with aircraft parts and twisted metal. Officials say it appears that the airliner broke apart when it hit the ground, suggesting the crash was unlikely the result of an attack.



Car bomb kills two, injures dozens in southern Thailand


The fiery aftermath of car bomb in southern Thailand. The blast in the popular tourist town of Betong, left two people dead and 36 injured. Amateur video captured shortly after the explosion shows the extent of the damage. Fireghters struggled to extinguish the flames as thick, black smoke poured into the sky. Poilce say they believe southern separatists were behind the attack. This area, home to Thailand's Muslim minority has been plagued by sectarian violence over the past decade. It's particualrly vulnerable during the muslim holy month of Ramadan, which ends in the next few days.



Iraq picks new president


Iraq's parliament elects a new president. The choice of senior Kurdish politician Fouad Massoum to fill the post comes at a critical time. It's the second step along the rocky path to form a government. The next step, choosing a prime minister, is likely to be far more difficult. Iraq's current prime minister is ruling in a caretaker capacity. The country's lawmakers have been in deadlock over the formation of a government since elections in April. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, visiting the Kurdish region of Iraq, is urging unity with the nation's entire survival at risk.
伊拉克议会选举新总统&!y*WTYo4,~|jQLl。在关键时期,库尔德政客福阿德·马苏姆(Fouad Massoum)担任该职位的选择浮出水面pI#L(^fT!ojS*W。这是困难重重的组建政府道路的第二步MZ1|M](c^u4Nfd&aFDh。下一步是选择总理,可能会更加困难ZFYz2k5n-_.^|v5r。伊拉克现任总理正在领导看守内阁AlFc;i1A1A9*|LKpK。自4月份的选举以来,伊拉克立法者在组建政府方面已经陷入僵局g1k]cz8nG@zKkC6)#,。联合国秘书长潘基文访问伊拉克库尔德地区时敦促伊拉克人在民族生死存亡之际团结起来F&lSbd%-kdG


(SOUNDBITE)(English) BAN KI-MOON, UNITED NATIONS SECRETARY-GENERAL, SAYING: "This crisis requires the leaders in Arbil and leaders in Baghdad work together to maintain the unity of the country within its federal system and remove the danger of further tensions and conflict."


The crisis facing Iraq was highlighted by hundreds of Iraqi Christians marching on the U.N. office in Arbil to demand help for families displaced by Islamic State militants. The militants now controlling the city of Mosul have warned non-Muslims there to convert to Islam, leave, or face execution. The cleansing campaign has segregated the north along clear sectarian and ethnic lines, driving long-standing minority inhabitants from their homes.






Sanctions and IMF put Russian economy in the dock


It's been just over a week since the Malaysian Airlines MH17 was shot out of the sky over eastern Ukraine. Nearly three hundred lives lost. Governments around the world were quick to blame and demand an end to the crisis in Ukraine. How best to do this led to cracks within the EU and accusations of self-interest and hypocrisy. But is Europe, under pressure from the U.S., making progress? A leaked report out of Brussels reveals it may target state-owned Russian banks vital to financing Moscow's faltering economy. More individuals will reportedly be added to the asset freeze list. Wider sanctions could also be announced next week. In the meantime, the IMF has cut its growth forecast by over a percent. Mike Ingram from BGC Partners.


SOUNDBITE (English) BGC PARTNERS, MARKET COMMENTATOR, MIKE INGRAM, SAYING: "Russia had to cancel a bond auction earlier on this week because they basically couldn't find any investors at a price which they thought was reasonable. So markets are inflicting real pain on markets and on the Russian real economy. And look at the IMF forecast: 0.2% growth from Russia they are forecasting this year. It's a fair bet when the numbers finally come in for 2014 they're going to be in recession." After months of hesitation over the impact sanctions might have on Europe, EU states including Germany, Moscow's biggest trade partner, are pushing for quick action. They believe Russia has failed to meet demands to end violence in Ukraine. As for Europe itself, Standard Chartered's Sarah Hewin says it's relatively insulated.


SOUNDBITE (English) SARAH HEWIN, REGIONAL HEAD OF RESEARCH AT STANDARD CHARTERED, SAYING: "They've really avoided so far taking that step towards phase three sanctions, those measures which would affect all sectors for example - defense, energy, finance. As long as we don't see those sorts of sanctions being imposed, then the view seems to be that the impact is going to be constrained just to Russia."


It's not just Russia feeling the strain. Ukrainian politics has again been thrown into turmoil after the Prime Minister said he would quit. But confusion reigned after parliament announced it's yet to receive Arseny Yatseniuk's resignation letter.


And fighting still rages on in eastern Ukraine. Fourteen people reportedly killed in the past 24 hours in the rebel stronghold of Donetsk.





Drink Up! with First Lady Michelle Obama


First Lady Michelle Obama Announces Seven Organizations Join Drink Up Effort to Encourage Americans to Drink More Water, More Often
Brita?, First 5 Santa Clara County, Haws Corporation?, Nalgene? Outdoor Products, S’well Bottle, Santa Clara Valley Water District and The California Endowment will support Drink Up through products and marketing efforts


WASHINGTON, DC –Today, First Lady Michelle Obama joined the Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) to announce that seven organizations have joined or renewed their support for the Drink Up effort, which encourages people across the country to drink more water, more often. Brita?, First 5 Santa Clara County, Haws Corporation?, Nalgene? Outdoor Products, S’well Bottle, Santa Clara Valley Water District and The California Endowment will support Drink Up by promoting its messages on water filtration systems, re-usable water bottles, drinking fountains or other products and programs. The First Lady also highlighted a new study from Nielsen Catalina Solutions (NCS), which found that a recent online ad campaign for Drink Up fueled a 3 percent lift in incremental sales of bottled water among those exposed to the campaign.


“When the Drink Up campaign was launched last year, it had one simple goal – to get kids and families excited about drinking water,” said First Lady Michelle Obama. “And today, less than a year later, we know that water sales jumped nearly three percent among people who saw Drink Up ads. So I am thrilled about the additional commitments to continue this effort that are being announced today by Brita, First 5 Santa Clara County, Haws, Nalgene, the Santa Clara Valley Water District, S’WELL Bottle Company and The California Endowment. And I am confident that in the coming months and years, we’re going to see people across this country drinking more and more water.


“As Drink Up encourages more people to drink more water, we also want to help make choosing water an easy choice. The efforts announced today – along with our current supporters’ efforts – will help us show more people that you are what you drink, and when you drink water you Drink Up,” said PHA CEO Lawrence A. Soler. “We applaud the efforts of each of these supporters toward helping us take another step closer to providing access to water for more people wherever they are,whenever they want it, however they want it – be it tap, filtered or bottled.”

  • additionaladj. 附加的,另外的
  • flightn. 飞行,航班 n. 奇思妙想,一段楼梯 n.
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • extentn. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度 n. [
  • explosionn. 爆炸,爆发,激增
  • strainn. 紧张,拉紧,血统 v. 劳累,拉紧,过份使用
  • endowmentn. 捐助(奖金), 天赋
  • reasonableadj. 合理的,适度的,通情达理的
  • exposedadj. 暴露的,无掩蔽的,暴露于风雨中的 v. 暴露,
  • encouragevt. 鼓励,促进,支持