日期:2012-05-28 06:58











一《时事新闻》选自REUTERS 路透社


1【Inside Japan's crippled nuclear plant】直击日本报废核电站内部


TEXT:Into the belly of the beast. Officials in Japan, including the country's environment minister, walk through the ruins of the Fukushima-Daiichi power plant - the site of one of the worst nuclear disasters ever. They visited the facility's number 4 reactor, which exploded last year when a devastating earthquake and tsunami rocked the Japanese coast. A mess oftwistedsteel and broken concrete, the building is still home to a massive amount of radioactive fuel. Activists say the site is a disaster in waiting while environment minister Goshi Hosono said the cleanup will take decades."Over the next 30-40 years we have a tough job ahead of us to sort all this out. During that time we will have totacklethe extremely tricky task of removing the spent fuel rods from the radioactive pools, and then removing them from the reactor." The government has said it could cost over 14 billion dollars to cleanup the site. Andrew Raven, Reuters
参考翻译:直入报废核电站内部EdQ.Fh9LHwL。日本官员以及环境部长穿过废墟中的福岛电站——这个曾经遭受过最严重核灾难的电站lmv-0]N^x~jaf。他们参观了工厂的4号反应堆,去年巨大地震和海啸袭击日本海岸时,该反应堆发生爆炸Lkkp7.=r4)8。杂乱弯曲的钢筋和破碎的混凝土依然存在着大量的放射性燃料BO=t58bTj~&v。活动家表示,这里是一个永远的灾难,尽管环境部部长Goshi Hosono表示将在数十年内清理).owAV_9s[CFJ4*CN。“我们面前的工作非常艰难,在接下来的30到40年里,我们要去解决所有这些问题,我们将采取一切手段从放射池中移出燃料棒,然后把它们从反应堆中移除”9~XrXdA;uWep4[。政府已经表示将花费超过140亿美元来清理此处XOH(YRikwq,J,y|


2【Government troops on the hunt for DRC rebels】政府军搜寻反叛者



TEXT:Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo intensify their hunt for wanted rebel Bosco Ntaganda. Clashes erupted after Congolese President Joseph Kabila announced last month that he would try to arrest Ntaganda, known as the "Terminator," who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes and also recently for recruiting child soldiers. Ntaganda, previously a rebel commander, wasintegrated into the army with his soldiers after an agreement between the DRC and Rwanda in 2009. But in April he changed his mind. The ICC has been seeking his arrest since 2006 on charges of conscripting child soldiers and announced new charges this week including murder, ethnicpersecutionand rape. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters
参考翻译:刚果民主共和国武装部队加强搜寻被通缉的反叛者Bosco Ntagandaxs.i1-[X+0&vd。在上个月刚果总统Joseph Kabila宣布他将试图逮捕Ntaganda后,冲突开始爆发vNl2|XG+EKb1。此人被称为“终结者”,因为战争罪以及最近招募童军而被国际刑事法庭(ICC)通缉X^8VLzb@C0Sp#L。这个反叛军前任指挥官和他的士兵,在2009年DRC和Rwanda达成协议后,已被纳入军队nP-QyJPOOxeKNA。但在4月份,他改变了主意zc#Kc8PhBy)~=Y9+Kve。自2006年被指控招募童军,国际刑事法庭一直通缉他,本周对他宣布的新的指控还包括谋杀,种族迫害和强奸eCopncoZWw




《VOA新闻》选自VOA News


1【VOA60 Elections】美国选举一分播报





TEXT:CBS News says the Mitt Romney campaign has released a new television commercial. In the ad, a narrator lays out three moves Romney is going to make his first day as president: announce deficit reductions, repeal job-killing regulations, and demand that China play by international trade rules. The Washington Post reports that Romney holds significant advantages over President Obama among white voters who are struggling financially, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Asked which candidate would do more to advance their families economic interests, struggling middle-class white voters chose Romney over Obama by a large margin — 58 percent to 32 percent. President Obama is campaigning in Des Moines, Iowa, a state both sides view as key to winning the presidency. The Des Moines Register reports Obama repeatedly lashed out at Romney, saying the economic policies he’s proposing are “the very policies that got us into this mess.” That is all for today. See you next time.
参考翻译:CBS新闻:米特·罗姆尼的竞选团队发布了一条新的电视商业广告8b3YIO@.-)eb。在这则广告中,一个旁白列出了如果罗姆尼当上总统,第一天他将做的三项举措:宣布削减赤字,废除扼杀就业的规定以及要求中国遵守国际贸易规则t88L=5S%GgoJ。根据华盛顿邮报与ABC新闻联合调查,罗姆尼在正遭受经济困扰的白人选票中拥有显著的优势f+&|@%C(ijB_;Qny0dV。调查中被问及哪个候选人在提高他们经济收入会做的更好时,正遭受经济困扰的白人中产阶级58%支持罗姆尼,只有32%选择奥巴马4vQ=wX+Kn&w。奥巴马此时正在爱荷华州Des Moines进行竞选,这个州被认为是奥巴马赢得选举的关键HenW+4fLBCHPi6。Des Moines Register报道称奥巴马反复猛烈抨击罗姆尼,说罗姆尼的经济政策提议是“非常糟糕的政策”OkqWBVw2P(+b。这是今天的选举情况,下次再见x+RW4izeBKKGr)WeJL



《VOA慢速英语》选自VOA Special English
2【15,000 Websites That Spread Terror and Hate】15,000个网站传播恐怖与憎恨





TEXT:This is the VOA Special English Technology Report.
Hate groups and terrorists are increasingly using the Internet to spread their beliefs. The Simon Wiesenthal Center in California says the problem is getting worse.
The center has released its latest “Digital Terror and Hate" report. Rick Eaton is a researcher with the group. He says the internet offers a lot of information for would-be terrorists.
RICK EATON: “Different explosives, manuals and lessons in remote detonation, cell phone detonators, rockets.”
There is also guidance in kidnapping and guerrilla warfare.
RICK EATON: “And many times these are spiced with the political philosophy on not only how to do it, but where you should do it and what targets you should attack.”
The Simon Wiesenthal Center is a Jewish human rights organization. This is its fourteenth year reporting on Internet terror and hate. The new report identified about fifteen thousand websites considered problematic. They included news groups, social network pages, YouTube videos and games said to incite hatred. Officials say there was only one such website when the center first launched the project in nineteen ninety-five.
Rick Eaton says al-Qaida was one of the first terrorist groups to use digital technology. He says the group’s online presence continues to grow.
Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. He says hate websites increasingly target religious minorities.
Abraham Cooper: “Whether it's a hate crime in the United States or if you're looking at the targeting of Christians from Nigeria, the Coptic Christians in Egypt, what's happened in Iraq, right through to Afghanistan and Pakistan, you have the targeting of millions of people.”
Rabbi Cooper says we must all take part in solving the problem of Internet terror and hate. He says people need to recognize when websites cross the line from free speech to targeting groups for discrimination and violence. He also says religious and ethnic leaders must work together to condemn all forms of hatred.
ABRAHAM COOPER: “We all have our own priorities. We have to stand up for our own rights and our own communities. But it's very, very important to take a look and see what the bad guys are doing because as far as they're concerned, they don't like Jews, they don't like Muslims, they don't like immigrants, they don't like gays.”
He is especially concerned about websites that call for individual acts of violence by people without ties to terrorist organizations. He says such websites are even more worrying because they are harder for law enforcement officials to identify.
The new “Digital Terror and Hate” report is the first to be offered to officials through an online process that provides up-to-date listings.
And that's the VOA Special English Technology Report, written by June Simms. Transcripts, MP3s and podcasts of our reports are at voaspecialenglish.com. I'm Steve Ember.





简介:MV描述: #Taylor Swift#联手The Civil Wars的新曲《Safe and Sound》(安然无恙)作为电影《The Hunger Games》(饥饿游戏)的原声带于今日正式首播!!!这首歌与泰勒以往的演唱风格不同,在吉他的伴奏下,她的歌声更显空灵,同时又有气势磅礴之感Pj&*)YrqxB。基于电影故事有美版《大逃杀》之说,歌词凄美而绝望=+f+zKpN[^fgFnl
I remember tears streaming down your face 我记得泪水顺着你的脸颊流下
when I said, I’ll never let you go 当我说我将永不放开你的手
When all those shadows almost killed your light 当所有的阴影几乎挡住了你的光亮
I remember you said, don’t leave me here alone 我记得你说过:“别把我一个人扔下|[hPO7IKW@aKT0-。”
But all that’s dead and gone and passed tonight 但这一切都在今晚化作尘埃
Just close your eyes 只需闭上你的眼睛  
the sun is going down 太阳已西沉  
You’ll be alright 你会没事的  
no one can hurt you now 如今没有人能伤害你了  
Come morning light 当明日晨光初现   
You and I’ll be safe and sound 我们都将安然无恙  
Don’t you dare look out your window darling 亲爱的,你害怕看到窗外吧
everything’s on fire 一切都在燃烧  
The war outside our door keeps raging on 门外的战争仍在激烈的进行
hold onto this lullaby 牢牢记得我为你唱的这只摇篮曲  
even when the music’s gone 即使音乐已经停止  
Just close your eyes 只需闭上你的眼睛  
the sun is going down 太阳已西沉  
You’ll be alright 你会没事的  
no one can hurt you now 如今没有人能伤害你了  
Come morning light 当明日晨光初现  
You and I’ll be safe and sound 我们都将安然无恙  
Just close your eyes 只需闭上你的眼睛  
You’ll be alright 你会没事的  
Come morning light, 当明日晨光初现  
You and I’ll be safe and sound 我们都将安然无恙


1.twistvt. & vi.扭, 搓, 缠绕
Suddenly the snake twisted.
突然, 蛇扭动了一下&_ItwoSGl4j)w+
She twisted her ankle when she fell.
vt.转动; 拧
You have to twist the lid off, not pull it.
盖子是拧开的, 不是拉开的[cqtS-XOi(h0;Ue*SqZQ
歪曲; 曲解
They always twisted the facts to suit their purpose.
为了达到自己的目的, 他们总是歪曲事实-vU*Jhyhh%OO4=].FaQ+
n.拧, 旋转, 扭转
Give the knob a twist.
弯曲, 曲折处
The mountain road is full of twists.
转折, 转变
There's an unusual twist to the plot at the end of the book.
在这本书的末尾, 情节发生了不寻常的转折NGB|(twTpQp~hsz
2.tacklevt.解决; 应付
I don't know how to tackle this problem.
vt. & vi.捉住; 扭倒
That big fullback tackles hard.
The robber tried to run away but a man tackled him.
强盗企图逃跑, 但一个人把他抓住了L~WJWCl][bM
n.拦截; 擒抱
He made several key tackles.
器具, 器械, 用具
Don't forget to bring your sports tackle with you tomorrow.
滑车, 滑轮组
They use the tackle to lift the machine.
The committee can integrate the different plans.
vt. & vi.(使)融入
They have lived in this country for ten years, but have never really integrated.
他们已在这个国家生活了十年, 但还没有融入这个社会aOuS&QF+Zek0a3+_4Io
Immigrants are integrated into the community.
It is worthwhile to note that both suffered persecution.
For pity’s sake try to stop this persecution.
He had fled from France at the time of the persecution.


  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • extremelyadv. 极其,非常
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • guidancen. 引导,指导
  • earthquaken. 地震
  • concreteadj. 具体的,实质性的,混凝土的 n. 水泥,混凝土
  • polln. 投票,民意测验,民意,票数 v. 做民意测验,获得
  • integratev. 整合,使 ... 成整体 adj. 组合的,完整的
  • celln. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室
  • narratorn. 叙述者,讲解员